Chapter 40

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Crystal's Pov

It's 9 in the morning and I know everyone else is sleeping. I woke up to a snring Matt. Gosh he is so freaken loud. I got out of bed and went to shower. I let the water run until it got warm and went in. 15 minutes later I came out and grabbed some clothes I laid out on the chair last night. I put on pair of Matt's sweatpants, a tank top, and a baggy sweater. I brushed my teeth and went over to Matt, he was sleeping in a position where it looked like he was chillin'. His hands were behind his head and his legs were crossed. I jumped on him and tried to wake him up. *Babe, wake up.* *Matt it's time to get up.* I must have told him to wake up more than 15 times. I was getting annoyed now. I slapped his chest and told him to wake the fuck up. Matt jolted up and had the most funniest face, he was so lost it was hilarious. 

"Babe, what time is it?" Matt said in his sexy morning voice.

"Time to get ready for the flight."

"Oh shit, I totally forgot. I'm going to go shower can you pack somemore things in into my suitcase for me?"

"Someone had a little too much to drink, Yeah sure, I'll bring it down with mine after I'm done. I put some clothes out for you also."

"Thanks babe, your the best, I don't know what I woukd do without you."

"Aw babe, It's no problem."

Matt's Pov

I felt someone jump on me but I didn't pay attention to it. The I heard a muffled voice, but I couldn't figure out who it was, then something unexpected happened, the person slapped me. I jumped up to see who it was and there was Crystal sitting with a smile on her face. She told me to wake up and get ready for the flight I forgot about. I got up and went to the shower, by the looks of it she already hasd hers and was set for the flight. I asked her to pack some last minute stuffinto my suitcase, she agreed. She even put clothes out for me, she's the best girlfriend in the world, I don't know what I would do without her. I went to shower and came out within 10 minutes and got dressed.

I saw Crystal was wearing a pair of my sweatpants but, I didn't care we practically share clothes, well my clothes. If I need a shirt just to wear around the house, she has it. If i need a sweater, she has it. It's alwaysthe the sweater or shirt I feel like wearing. Crystal just loves to wear my stuff even my beanies, well she looks cute in them anyways.

I went to everyone's room to wake them up, but no one was budging. I told Crystal, she came up and yelled. *Ya'll need to wake your asses up now, get your stuff ready and it should be downstairs by 11 because we're leaving and 11:30.* Everyone peeked from their bedrooms and nodded their heads. Now that's how you put a few drunk guys in their place.

Tyalor's Pov

Matt came around to everyone's room to wake them up but no onw was moving, he called Crystal up and she started yelling. Crystal is the kind of girl to speak freely of what's on her mnd and wuould do anything to wake you up. No one really cared what Matt was saying...becuase he's Matt but Crystal she can be hardcore sometimes. She's nice and sweet and all but if you get her mad, your in for a surprise. None of us have ever seen that side of her and I don't think she really wants us too but Angie has tod us about some of those times. Everyone was shaken out of their sleep by her, I quickly packed some last minte things and brought mine and Carter's luggage down.

Jack J's Pov

Oh man all this yelling in the morning is too early, I was packing somethings and Taylor came barging in

"Dude's have you seen my phone?"

"First I'm the only one in the room and second No i haven't seen it. Go check in the livingroom, bathroom, kitchen, I don't know."

"Thanks man." (Note the scarcasim)

Taylor is something else, how is your phone going  to be in my room? I don't know what goes through his head sometimes. I zipped up my suitcase and brought it down along with Jack G's suitcase , while he was in the shower. I went in the kitchen to grab something to eat but there was nothing, does anyone do groceries in this house, I'll just have to get something at the airport.

Cam's Pov

"Angie, babe wake up." I kissed her on the cheek and she instantly opened her eyes.

"Good Morning babe."

"Good Morning." She said still tired.

"I already brought out stuff down you just need to shower and change."

"Thanks Cam, I see your all ready."

"Yeah, well Crystal woke everyone up out of bed to get ready." 

"Oh, well you know her already, has to be in control of certain situations." She sounded kind of annoyed.

"If she didn't wake us up we would of missed our flight so, she did a good thig in a way."

" Yeah, I guess."

Angie got up and went to shower, I brought our suitcases downstairs and set them with the others. I went to the kitchen, but no food. Great now I have to wait till we get to the airport.

Hayes' Pov

I hope no one get's mad... I didn't even pack yet. Eveyone had last minute things to put in but i need to pack everythhing. I always leave things to the last minute, and the guys should know that. I need to hurry up before Crystal has another fit. Nash didn't even get up but he already has everything packed and ready to go.

Taylor's Pov

Shit i can't find my phone anywhere, the only place I haven't checked was the bathroom, it has to be there. I went in and looked everywhere, in the draw, the shower, the cabinets, the floor, only place that i haven't checked was the toilet, but why would it even be in there. I opened the lid and there it was. I'm trying to think back to what happened last night but nothing was clicking in my head, I couldn't put any pieces together, that's hwhat happens when you drink too much. Oh well, I'll just have to get another one when I get home. I'm waiting sitting in the livingroom waiting for everyone, obviously there's no food n this house and I'm going to have to wait till we're at the airport.

Aaron's Pov

Everyone's luggage is probably downstairsalready. Shawn's in the shower, so I'll bring our luggage down. I walked by Nash&Hayes' room, there was Nash still sleeping and Hayes still packing, Crystal is going to get annoyed with them. I put our suitcases with everyone's and sat beside Taylor. I was getting a little hungry, so I got up but Taylor stopped me.

"Bro if your getting up to eat something sit back down, there is nothing in this house to eat."

"Thanks man." 

I sat back down and went on my phone as I waited. Shawn came down and sat with us.

Crystal's Pov

Everyone's luggage seems to be downstairs, we can finally leave now. I'm starving as well, we can probably pick something up or get at the airport. The people still upstairs made our way down ans we were getting ready to leave when I noticed two people were missing. Of course the Grier brothers. They always have to be the ones to get ready last. 

I went up to their room and saw Hayes still packing while Nash was sleeping. Hayes could't even wake him up seriously. "Dude, Nash wake up." He didn't budge. I went to the bathroom, got a cup of water and poured it on him.

"Whoa, chill why the fuck did you do that?"

"Well maybe if you were awake and ready to leave like everyone else, I wouldn't have to do that."

"Okay, I'm up. I'll just get dressed and bring my suitcase down."

"Alright everyone is waiting, so hurry."

I felt bad for Hayes so I helped him pack the rest and brought it dwn. We waited for Nash and we finally left for the airport.

Angie's Pov

This is just a replay of two days ago all over again. The Grier brothers have to be the last ones down and weren't even ready. Crystal brought down a sleepy Nash and Hayes trailed behind. We finally left for the airport and we soon can get something to eat. There was absolutly no food in the house. Nobody bothered to buy any. We're in the car now on our way to the airport, it's like a 40 minute drive there. Here we come Magcon D.C.

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