Chapter 35

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Crystal's Pov

It was the second day in Matt's hometown and he was acting kind of weird, almost like he was hiding something from me but i don't know what it is, i need to find out. 

Uhh Matt has been ignoring me for the whole day it's pissing me off. I knew if i told him this would happen. I regret telling him or maybe i'm just overreacting and have nothing to worry about.

Matt's Pov

I have been avoiding Crystal for the whole day to get this surprise how i want it to be and i know she is thinking it's becuase she told me her secret but no and i know if i go near her, she will probably get me to spill why i'm avoiding her. 

Tonight is going to be absolutely awesome she's going to love it. I have everything planned out perfect.

*Later on that day*

"Hey Crystal, let's go out me and you... on a date?" I was a little nervous because how the whole day played out.

"Oh now you wanna talk to me?" She rolled her eyes and I knew I had something to be nervous about.

"So is that a yes?"

"Only on one codition, I get to pick where, I saw a nice resturant when we were driving down here. It's not to far from your house."

"Umm great, I love that resturant." That was the resturant that i had reservations at. Look how that worked out.

 She saw what I wearing and she knew she had to dress up more than usual. When she got ready we left and made our way to the resturant.

We got there and I escorted her from the car and into the resturant. I tried to get there before she walked up to the hosts and lucky I did and said my name and we got brought to our seats. I looked back at Crystal and she was stunned by how beautiful everything was. As we sat down I could tell Crystal was still a little pissed, she wouldn't be after this, What I have planned she'll forget what happened earlier. 

"Crystal you know you can atleast smile."

"I just want to know why you ignored me for the whole day, it makes it more worse because it was the day after I told my secret."

"Well if it would put you in a happy mood again. I ignored you the whole day because I was putting together a surprise for you."

"Really, I'm sorry babe, what I thought was...I thought wrong. You can still go on with your surpirse."

"Okaay. Finish up eating and I'll take you to the next place."

Crystal's Pov

I'm such an over thinker and an idiot. I made myself believe something not true, like I always do and  I kind of ruined his surprise for me but he said theres more so I didn't ruin all of it.

After we finished our food we headed out to my next surprise. And why are we going back to the house? What did he plan?

"Matt why are we back at the house?"

"Just folow me."

I just nodded and followed him to the back, we started down a path and it led to a little lake. It was beautiful, everything here is beautiful. We stood there and Matt knelt down, He pulled out a sliver ring, were too young to get married so I figured it was a promise ring. 

"Crystal, I have been wanting to give you this for a long time but I didn't know when the right time was and yesterday when you told me about your past I knew now was time to give it to you. I want to be here for you through everything. I want to make those bad memories into good ones. Promise me one thing that you will love me till the end."

"Matt I promise I will love you till the end because you are the one that saved me from ending my life, your the reason I'm still here today, my Angel. There is no way that I would leave you, I love you too much and I know you would be there beside me through everything and I would create more great memories to replace the bad ones with you."

He slipped the ring on my finger and we walked in the house and called it a night. Once we hit the bed were out like a light.

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