Chapter 39

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Cam's Pov

Today is our last day in Virginia then off to D.C on Saturday. Angie has been sick lately but she claims she's fine, I think I should take her to a doctor. Ever since that night, this morning she's been throwing up non stop. I hope she's not pregnant, but we used protection. All the signs are there but I don't know...Frik the condom probably broke. She's too young to get pregnant and we're too young to raise a child. Her mother is going to kill me if she finds out. First we got to go to a doctor to check her out the 'baby' growing inside her. I like the idea of a little Cam running around but we're too young.

Angie's Pov

Lately, I have been feeling really sick and craving a whole bunch of things. It came to the last thought I wanted to think...I'm pregnant. I'm only sixteen and Cam is eighteen. I don't know how this could happen, we used protection. I just can't believe it. I'll take Crystal with me to the drugstore later and buy two test just to make sure.My mother is going to kill me. Oh man thinking a little Cameron would be running around, we are obviously too young to even take care of a child, I just hope my mom would understand and support us, same with Cam's mom. Why did this have to happen to me, I'm not ready to become a mother as yet.

"Hey Crystal, could you come with me to the drugstore later?"

"Yeah, I'll tell Matt and the guys will probably go do something. It'll just be us."

Crystal's Pov

I knew something was going on with Angie, you could tell - well I could anyways, but I know they would be smart to use protection. Angie is smart enough to know better Oh gosh I sound like her mother. Whatever happens I'm right behind her every step of the way. Yeah I can't help her out financially with the baby but I could help her with everything else. I wonder how Cam's going to take it when she tells him. I hope he doesn't turn into a jerk and leaves her, that's every girls nightmare, but I know Cam he's not like that.

"Hey babe, I'm going out with Angie later."

"Okay babe be safe, the guys and I are going around town later, Alright?"


Matt's Pov

I didn't want to lie to Crystal, but I had too, she wouldn't of let me go out with the guys later to get drrinks because she knows I'm a very different guy when I get drunk. I know all the guys will look out for me, well atleast Cam will. He said he'll only have one beer, so he would be the most sober out of everyone. All of the guys want to get wasted on the last night in Virginia except for Cam. Oh well we all have different levels of fun. I can't wait for tonight, it's going to be crazy. *Finna get crunk, We in this bitch, Eyebrows on fleek, The fuck, The fuck.* I love that vine. I didn't reaise I said it out loud and Crystal started laughing at me. She has her moments too, I don't know why she's laughing at me

"Why you laughing babe, you have your moments too."

"Well yeah, but you came out of nowhere with that."

"Babe you do way worst."

"Okay. I'm sorry I hurt my Matthew Espisaurus' feelings."

"Thank you.. Wait what you didn't hurt my feelings.'

"Well you sounded like I did"

"Okay whatever."

"You mad now babe?" I didn't answer her. " Well, I know what would cheer you up."

She did something I didn't expect. Crystal sat on my lap now facing me and started kissing me. I didn't hesitate, I kissed her back. It turned into a heated makeout session until Angie walked in...great. She Crystal if she was ready to go. Crystal loked at me, kissed me goodbye and they were gone. The guys and I are leaving just now anyways. We're just waiting for Taylor and Carter to get ready. I don't know why Taylor is trying to look so spiffy, I swear ths kid has a girlfriend, well atleast checking with some girl.10 minutes went by and they came down and we were out. Time to get wasted. Cam said he'll be the designated driver so, the rest of us can drink all we want.

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