Chapter 36

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Crystal's Pov

As I woke up the memories from last night all came rushing back making a big smile appear on my face. Sometimes I wonder to myself how all of this could be real. I never thought a girl like me would ever be with a guy like Matt but I guess that's how things work. Expect the unexpected. I don't know what has planned for us today, maybe not much since he's still sleeping. It's 12:30 time for Matt to wake up, I'll just go take a shower first and then wake him up. I got up slowly trying not to wake Matt up and went in the bathroom. Turned the water on and let it warm up for a bit, as I was undressing Matt came in and asked if he can shower with me, of course I wouldn't say no, so we hopped in and washed up.

Matt's Pov

I really don't want to wake up but I atleast want to take Crystal somewhere today. The showers running that means she's in there, I didn't even feel when she got up. I got up from the bed thinking she was in the shower already - I was going to sneak in but she was waiting for the water to warm up. I asked if I could shower with her obviously she wouldn't say no and we hopped in and did our thing. We came out and got dressed. Today I would show Crystal around town, take her breathe away even more. We got into my car and started to drive, she asked where we're going I told her nowhere inparticular just around. She just smiled, Crystal looked gorgeous whenever she smiled. She makes me happy more than anyone ever could.

"We have 3 more days in Virginia then off to DC. My parents have a business trip tomorrow which means we have the whole house to ourselves for 2 days." Glanced at Crystal then back to the road.

"Well Mr.Espinosa what do you have in mind for us to do?" She smirked.

"I have something in mind if you know what I mean." I smiled.

"I think I know what you have in mind.... We're going to cuddle on the couch and watch Nicholas Sparks movies..I know you love them. She started to laugh.

"That's not even close to what I was thinking." I said with a small smile.

"Babe, I was just joking. I wanted to see your reaction." She was laughing a little more.

 "Anyways we're here."

"Where is here? There's nothing here but a huge tree and grass."

"Just wait, you'll see."

Crystal's Pov

We came to a stop and I got out and there was nothing there  but a big tree and grass. I asked Matt what we're doing here and he said wait, you'll see. We walked a long way until we got there. It was the most beautiful view I have ever seen. Matt had a blanket tucked under his left arm, so I'm guessing we're staying here for awhile. He layed the blanket down and we sat on top of it with our backs leaning against the huge tree. It was nice just the two of us here alone looking out at the view.

"Babe how did you find this place?"

"Well when I was younger my grandma and grandpa used to take me here at night, we would look up at the stars and name the different constilations we saw. It was something between us and now I want to share this with you."

"Aww babe your the most sweetest guy I have ever meet and I'm glad your mine."

I turned to him we looked into eachothers eyes then I gave it no time I just kissed him, soon we were making out under a tree with the best view. We ended and talked about random things, then the sun began setting, it was absolutlely breathe taking. Matt and I just sat there and watch as the sun set. His arm around me and my head on his shoulder was the best place right now and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but with him. The sun set and it was getting dark out, Matt and I decided to leave and go home. He got up and I was folding the blanket on the floor, when I stood up Matt was nowhere to be found. If this is one of his tricks he's so going to regret it later. 

"Matt where are you, this is not funny. It's dark and i'm kind of scared." I then heard a branch crack and jumped and you can say i was now scared out of my mind.

"Okaay I take that back, I'm scared out of my mind now. Matt please just come out, I want to leave."

Matt then jumped out from behind a tree and scared the living shit out of me. He tried to hug and kiss me but i didn't let him.

"Babe I'm sorry, I didn't mean too, I just wanted to see how scared you would be." He chuckled a little.

"Matt that wasn't funny, now let's go I'm getting tired." I said in a stern tone.

"Seriously, I'm really sorry babe." He had guilt in his vioce.

He started kissing me and I couldn't resisted and kissed him back. We stood there for a good 2 minutes.

"Okay fine, I forgive you, your lucky I love you." I said with a smile.

We walked back to the car and drove home, we got there in a couple of minutes, got out and went inside. Got up to his room and jumped onto his bed, I was then engulfed with Matt's arms around me, we then dozed off in eachothers arms.

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