Chapter 45

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Right now all getting ready to leave for the airport. Jessica texted me saying she would meet me at the airport. I didn't tell anyone yet. I thought I would surprise them. They have no idea who she is and they want to meet her so bad. I can't wait for the guys to meet her. I'm surprised I'm even awake right now, we came back late last night after our date. I came back almost 1 and our flight is at 12 and it's 9:30. Everyone is already up so I don't have to wake them up.

Crystal's Pov

This morning I woke up with a pain in my stomach, I didn't pay attention to it because I didn't have to throw up or anything , so I just forgot about it. Matt and I are getting and put our luggage by the door. I put on a pair of Matt's grey sweat pants and a black tank top with a cardigan over. I put my hair in a messy bun, then put on a little mascara, that's the only makeup I wear anyways. I brushed my teeth and I came out, Matt was ready to go. Our flight was at 12 and it was 10 now, I hope everyone is ready, we have all of 2 hours to get on the plane.

Matt's Pov

Last night was perfect to me. I'm glad I get to spend my life with Crystal. Crystal and I are going to be lookng at some houses in Cali. We want to stat our lives together, why not start fresh. I know Cam and Angie want to do the same. Hey we might be neighbours, fun times.

Hayes' Pov

We're all leaving to head to the airport and we have 2 hours to go through security and make it to our flight. I can't wait to get into the nice warm sand and wonderful beach. Time to get my surf on.


We are finally at the airport and some random girl is calling Nash's name and running towards him. They kiss and it hits me that must be his girlfriend. After they were done Nash introduced her. her name is Jessica. Jessica looked over at Taylor and Matt, confused trying to figure out who they were.

"You know that's Taylor and Matt right?"

"Yeah I know, but I don't think they remember me."

By now Nash, Taylor, Matt, and Crystal were giving her a confused looks. She spoke finally,

"Taylor you don't remember me? We dated for 5 months, I doubt you forgot about me?"

"Oh, now I remember, but you had blonde hair back then."

"And you Matthew, don't you remember we had a thing a long time ago?

"I honestly can't remember who you are."

"Oh well let me jog your memory. Remember when we would lay under the stars and you would always whisper sweet nothings in my ear?" She smirk.

"You know what Jess I-"

"Oh you remember my nickname." She said devilish.

After that nobody said anything and I'm starting to think this is going to be one of the longest vacations I've ever been on.

Crystal's Pov

That Jessica chick thinks she can come up in here and ruin everyone's vacation, well think again, she has a lot coming her way. I have been in fights in my pass and I'm not afraid to knock her out. When she was trying to jog Matt's memory it kind of hurt because that's what we did. He told me he has never brought anyone there, but it's whatever we're together now and happily engaged. No one can take that away.

Matt's Pov

When I saw Jessica run towrds Nash, I payed no attention to her, but when she 'tried' to jog my memory I diidn't want to hear it anymore and snapped. When she was done I could see the hurt in Crystal's eyes. Why did Nash have to meet her, out of all people he had to go meet Jessica. She has really changed. She dyed her hair from blonde to black. It all clicks now, when Taylor showed that picture of his girlfriend when we were all at the beach and we were sharing about our lives, that's why she looked so fimiliar, it was Jessica. Nash better watch out, she's not as nice as she seems.

Nash's Pov

We are now boarding the plane and I can't lie when Jessica knew who Taylor and Matt were and started going down memory lane, it hurt, but it's whatever the past is in the past. I'll just let it go, there's nothing to worry about. We all got in our seats and the plilot said we would take off shortly. We all buckled up and waited patiently.

Shawn's Pov

We just took off and we have a 5 hour flight a head of us. You can feel the tension between Crystal, Matt, Nash, and Jessica. It was really stupid of her to bring up her past with him. I know it affected Crystal big time, but she doesn't want to show it. I know her well enough that she's the girl to bottle up her feeling deep down, then when something triggers it, she will explode with all those feelings, lifting a weight off her shoulders. This Jessica girl doesn't ruin our trip, we were all looking foward to it.

 Taylor's Pov

Honestly, I didn't forget who Jessica was, how can you? I f you ever went out with her you would know the real her. And right now the way she is with Nash is not her true colours. SHe's a rude, oboxious, clingy, jealous bitch and that's the truth. I hope Nash figures out and quick, so he can dump her before she hurts him.

Carter's Pov

Wow that was awkward back at thhe airport, but that's none of my business.

Aaron's Pov

I'm glad Nash met someone butshe looks like a bitch. I don't know if it's just me but that's how I see her.

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