Chapter 29

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*In the Morning*

Matt's Pov

It was early in the morning, when i hear voices coming from downstairs. They started getting louder, I wasn't having it. I walked downstairs and saw Hayes and Nash arguing. "Nash, I really don't want to leave it was an accident. I didn't mean to hit her." tears started forming in his eyes."Well we don't want to risk it happening again everytime you get mad at her. Your just have to go Hayes, I'll even drive you there." Nash said in a low tone, trying not to make this conversation continue. Nash didn't see me at the steps so when i asked if i can go with him he got alittle scared."Sure man, you can come."Cool man." We're on our way there, almost there and spoke up and apoigized for his actions and said he never meant to hurt ever. I felt bad for him but she's with someone way

*Back at the house*

Crystal's Pov

I woke up it was 9:15, turned over and Matt wasn't there. I looked around the house for him but nowhere to be found. I decided to text him.

C: Hey babe, where are you?

M: I'm with Nash droppping off Hayes to the airport. Be home soon, we're coming back now.

C: Okaay. When you come can we go to Starbucks?

M: Yeah, anything for my girl.

Yes, I'm getting Starbucks. I swear i live off of it. I almost get it everyday but whatever. I should get dressed well atleast put some pants on, I had one of Matt's big t-shirts on.

*30 minutes later*

Finally Matt walked through the door. I'm so hungry, I waited for him so we can have breakfast together.

M: Hey babe, ready to go?

C: Yeah and can we get breakfast too? I smiled as big as i could so he could give in.

M: Fine, but you had enough time to eat before i came home.

C: I know but i wanted to wait for you so we could eat together.

M: I don't know about you sometimes. He shook his head and laughed a little.

C: But you still love me though.

M: Yes i do. He said while kissing me on the forehead.

Matt's Pov

I love this girl to death but she can be too much sometimes. I think now that Hayes is gone everyone will have a good vacation, especailly Crystal. She didn't want him coming in the first place but he came with Nash. Well i should take her for breakfast now before she gets all grumpy.

We're in the car driving to IHOP,Crystal's favourite breakfast resturant, when i got a call from Nash. Since i was driving Crystal picked u the phone, she answered said nothing hung up had tears starting to fall from her eyes. She yelled ' TURN THE CAR AROUND, WE HAVE TO GO HOME!' i didn't say anything i just went. I really wanna know what happened i guess i'll find out at home.

Once we got there Crystal ran in and and collapsed on the couch with tears pouring out her eyes, by this time i had to know what happened. I went up to her hugged ger trying to calm her down then she started to explain.

"It's Hayes, his plane went down and crashed, they brought him to the hospital right away, but he's in critcal condition. Matt this is all my fault, I'm the one that wanted him to leave so much and look where that got him. In the hospital maybe on the verge of dying the way Nash sounded on the phone. We have to go now, I need to see him."

I didn't even say anything, we hopped in our car and drove to the hospital. the plane wasn't very far when it crashed so they drove him to the nearest hospital. I texted Nash where to go and the hospital wasn't that far but far enough for Crystal to fall asleep on the way. It was a rough mornning for her so i just left till we got there. We arrived and I woke her up, she instantly got up and went running in, I ran after her. I asked the lady at the front desk where Hayes Grier is she replied room 365 on floor 3. Crystal started running in the elevator with me trailing behind.

We arrived on the floor found the room and everyone was waiting outside, they have already saw Hayes they were waiting for Crystal to come. She went into the room, i let her go by herself because i think they need to be alone right now. If anyone should be hurt the most it would be her.

Crystal's Pov

When i picked up the phone and Nash told me that Hayes plane crashed, I instantly broke. I yelled at Matt to turn around the car to go home with tears in my eyes, once i got in i ran to the couch and let everything out. He was confused as to what was going on but i had to clam down first. After i did i told him everything and we drove off to the hospital the plane didn't get very far before it crashed, they drove him to the nearest hospital to get him looked at.

On the way there i fell asleep but Matt woke me up when we got there. I got up and started running, Matt asked where Hayes was cause i couldn't get anything out at the moment. I ran to the elevator with Matt trailing behind me, got to the floor and everyone was waiting outside his door, they had already had seen him. Matt knew i had to go alone so he waited outside. When i got in i couldn't even recognise him, he was beat up so bad and cuts all over his face with a broken arm and leg, jheez this is all my fault i'm the one that wanted him to leave so bad. 

I took a seat next to him and held his hand. i just sat there and prayed that he would be alright. Eventhough we weren't together anymore doesn't mean i don't love him or want him to leave. Yeah he hit me but that doesn't matter anymore, seeing him lie in this bed right now is killing me, I just want him to wake up so I could talk him. As soon as I thought it he opened his eyes and squeezed my hand to signal he was awake. I looked up he gave me a smile but it was weak. I got up and kissed him on his head. I was happy he was awake, just seeing those blue eyes made me think everything was going to be alright.

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