Chapter 23

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*On the plane*

Angie's Pov

We got on the plane, Matt and Crystal sat in front us. Just then as we buckled up the pilot came on and announced that we would be taking off very soon.

*Hello everyone this is your pilot speaking, we would be taking off soon, so relax and get comfortable. Have a wonderful evening.*

Matt's Pov

As soon as we got comfy in our seats Crystal rested her head on my shoulder and instanly fell asleep. Cam and Angie were shocked cause she never falls sleep on plane rides or car rides, she likes to look out the window and admire everything. The plane took off and i turned around to talk to Cam but he was asleep aswell as Angie, i guess, i should sleep too.

*4 hours later*

Crystal was screaming in her sleep, probably haveing a nightmare. Iwoke her up and i could see fear and so much hurt in her eyes. the flight attendent quickly rushed over to see what happened but i told it was just a dream. I wantd to ask her what she was dreaming about but i'll  ask her later.

Cam's Pov

We are now 5 hours into our flight and there almost landing in San Deigo. I had a peaceful sleep until Crystal had her little nightmare and woke me up. I guess i should wake up Angie now we're almost there. Crystal and Matt had another hour to go too get to Long Beach.

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