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Soo Jin POV

I've been in this cage for a while and I'm hungry, tired, want to go home. They separated me and EunJi so I don't know where she is or if she is ok.

"Wakey wakey it's time to eat.", Ravi, as I learned, pushed a guy in the cage.

The guy had blood dripping out of his cuts and I felt my fangs come in.

"She can't resist for long.", the woman said.

"She resisted the other two", N told her.

"She just hasn't had fresh human blood in a while.", she smirked as N pushed the guy closer.

The scent of his blood reached me as I continued to control myself. The smirk on her face disappeared being replaced with a scowl.

"Then you starve.", she growled walking off.

Ravi looked at me with a sorry expression before looking away following her. Later that night I was lying on the ground when I heard the gate open. I turned to see a smiling Ravi.

"What are you doing?", I asked as he gave me a bowl of fruit.

"I can't let you starve", he said sitting a glass of water down.

I thanked him and quickly ate the fruit.

"What's your name?", he asked.

"Soo Jin", I replied drinking the water.

"Why am I here? Why are you helping her?", I asked and he shrugged.

"She thinks she has the upper hand taking you. She just barks orders and we follow them. If it wasn't for her we'd all be dead.", he said looking down.

"And EunJi?", I asked concerned for my cousin.

"Her bond with J-hope. Lola foresaw it and tried to prevent it. J-hope was her first love centuries ago. They didn't bond though so he knew it wasn't meant to be and left.", he explained.

"I can't fight the thirst for long. I don't think I could control myself next time.", I told him.

"I know which is why I'm going to help you escape.", he said when footsteps were heard.

He quickly took the bowl and fruit and locked the cage quietly before hiding behind the other wall. N and Leo approached the bars and laughed.

"Too bad we can't touch her she's a cute one Leo.", N said smirking.

"N we don't have time for this just throw him in and let's go", Leo said coldly.

N pushed the guy from earlier into my cage and then locked it walking off. I stared at him as he held his bleeding neck. I pushed myself against the wall.

"Stay back", I warned.

"Help me please", he pleaded coming closer.

My vision went red and I attacked him.

"Soo Jin no!", Ravi shouted before I sunk my fangs into his neck.

"So she finally caved. Ravi why are you helping her.", She asked holding a doll.

"She didn't deserve that", he stated before she stuck a needle through the doll.

Ravi fell to the ground holding his chest. I watched as Ravi was hurt, as the life faded from the man eyes.

"We wouldn't want her to get away like Yoongi did. Your helpful nature is what caused him to escape remember!!", she shouted and my eye widened.

It was her. I grabbed the fork I used to eat my fruit and threw it at her. It hit her in the shoulder. She shouted in pain dropping the doll. Ravi grabbed it and looked at me.

"Run!!", I yelled and he took off.

"Argh you little.. N grab her.", She ordered.

He came in the cage and grabbed my arms pushing me towards her. He hit me in the head and everything went black.

Ravi POV

I've been running for an hour now. I found a small river and cleaned my face. I heard voices in the distance and hid behind a tree. After the voices left I noticed a body on the ground. As I got closer I noticed it was Soo Jin. I gasped when I saw the dagger in her chest straight through her heart. I picked her up bridal style and walked back to the house they took her from.

"I'm sorry", I whispered before tapping the door.

A girl answered the door and froze when she saw Jinn.

"No!!!", she screamed as I sat the on the couch.

"Cho what's wrong.", A boy said walking in.

He had wide eyes and froze as he looked at the girl on the couch.

"Jagi" , a faint voice said.

I looked up and saw an orange haired bot standing in the doorway. He slowly made his way over to her and fell to his knees. He picked her up and cradled her in his arms.


"No!!!", I heard Cho scream from the house.

I walked in the door and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Soo Jin laying motionless on the couch.

"Jagi", I whispered.

I walked towards her and fell to my knees. I picked her up and cradled her in my arms. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I screamed fer her to wake up but she never did.

"V what's....", Jae stopped in her tracks.

"No no no no what happen!!", she cried as Jin held her close.

Kyra just stood there not saying anything as tears rolled down her cheeks. Jimin pulls her to him as she cried. Suga had tears in his eyes threatening to fall.

"Yoongi I'm sorry I tried to save her.", the mystery guy said.

Cho's head snapped up and looked at Suga in disbelief before looking back at Soo Jin.

"Jagiya please come back.", I whispered rubbing her cheek.

I held her close screaming and shouting for her to open her eyes. I felt Rapmon grab my shoulder.

"She's gone V", he said as he pried my arms off her and laid her on the couch putting a blanket over her.

I held onto J-hope as I cried. He rubbed my back telling me everything was going to be ok.

"I can't believe she killed her", that guy said.

"What did you say?!", I asked.

"You know who did this?", Rapmon shouted and he nodded.

"Ravi you tell me right now did SHE kill my sister.", Suga said with hatred in his voice.

Ravi just nodded before Suga fell to his knees and cried. Iggy walked over to him and held him close. Everyone exchanged looked as no one knew he had a sister.

"Who the hell is she.", I asked.

"Lola", Ravi growled.


Oh my emotions. I cried writing this I feel so bad for V. Its sad I know. What do you guys think about this one.

Saranghae ARMY

-Jinn Jinn

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