The Past

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"Her and GD were actually really close at a point in time. She had just got done fighting him when she told me the story.


I walked through the door holding onto my best friend and she was badly beaten.

"Damn you GD.", she mumbled as I sat her on the couch.

"You knew him?", I asked and she nodded.

"Well" , she said frowning.

"You wanna tell me what happened. ", I said and she looked at me before sighing.

"Well it all started when I went to the Hunter academy for the first time."

Soo Jin POV

I was nervous I'll admit but I couldn't show it. People here are always mean and ready to yell in your face. I walked inside and it was literally packed. I bumped into someone and they fell.

"Omo I'm so sorry. Mainhae.", I apologized helping him up.

"Its good I wasn't looking.", He smiled before holding out his hand. "I'm Jiyong by the way but people call me GD."

"I'm Soo Jin", I told him shaking his hand.

"All right I want to thank all of you for coming to our academy. I hope you will use these skills for the greater good. Now listen up everyone take your seats while we announce the team's.", I'm guessing the one in charge said.

I sat next to GD and we talked about random things not even listening to the names being called. That was until our names were called.

"Soo Jin and Jiyong.", we both looked and stood up to get our things.

"You two are in group 7", he told us and we followed our group leader down the hall.

After months of training we were going for our first hunt. It shouldn't be hard since we were the top of our group. I was walking beside GD scanning our surroundings. I was about to say something when a sound was heard as if someone was walking on the leaves. We aren't moving listening to the steps come closer. I spun around and shot my arrow through the vampire's leg.

"Aahh you little piece of scum". I said charging at me.

GD tackled him to the ground and I quickly ran towards them and broke his neck. GD got up and smiled holding his hand up for a high five.

"Impressive this calls for a celebration.", our group leader.

Later the night a party was held for me and GD. We played a game of spin the bottle, everyone was drunk then one thing led to another. And next thing I new I was lying beside GD in his bed. We sobered up and laughed about the situation.

"What now?", I asked and he shrugged.

"I think this stays between us.". he said and I nodded.

As we progressed we shared small kisses every now and then. We were in too deep I had caught feelings and so did he. One day during our patrolling a group of vampires surrounded us.

"We're outnumbered.", I whispered when they attacked.

They grabbed GD and dragged him away. As I went after them GD stopped me.

"Just run!", he shouted as two of them chased me.

I didn't stop running until they were no longer following me. I fell to the ground and a tear rolled down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry.". I whispered before walking away to my cabin where my sister's and Cho were waiting.

One Month later

I was taking a stroll with Cho through the forest talking about random things. I heard a chuckle and froze. Cho pulled out a dagger from god knows where. My eyes widened as GD came from behind a tree.

"Well well it's been awhile partner.", he smirked.

Something was off about him and I could tell. He wasn't the same GD from a month ago.

"What do you want?", I asked harshly.

"Awe come on Jinnie I thought you'd be happy to see me.", he mocked.

"You're just like the rest we hunted down. I can see it in your eyes.", I said and he smirked before charging at me.



"She lost the fight but after that she vowed to beat him. They ran into each other a few times and it always resulted with a fight. Either she broke something or he broke something. They always try to outdo each other. And now she's dead and his coven is involved. She told me that the guys who took him had that symbol.", I said pointing at Ravi's sleeve. "Lola was behind it.", Suga added.

"So what do we do?", She asked.


Whew that was a lot to type via phone. Lol well that's GD and Soo Jin's history so stay tuned for yet another surprise later on. Tell me what you think.

Saranghae ARMY and VIPS

-Jinn Jinn

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