The Battle Begins

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It was now dawn and I saw a figure walking towards the house. I went outside and saw Sai with a hood over her head.

"Are you sure about this?", she asked Suga carried Soo Jin.

"Yes just take care of her.", I said and she nodded.

"Good luck", She said as they walked away.

"Ravi can you lead us back to the cave?", Namjoon asked.

"Yes I can.", he said nodding.

"Lets go we have a witch to kill.", I growled.

Ravi led us to the cave but no one was there. As we went further inside I noticed a hatch opened on the floor. I motioned for Namjoon to go first and we all followed.

"So EunJi are you ready to meet death.", I heard Lola asked holding a doll.

"If it gets me the hell away from you.", she retorted.

We separated and surrounded Lola. She was the only one with EunJi. She smirked and turned facing my direction.

"Where's my jagi?", she asked.

"He's not with you. Although your element of surprise was entertaining.", she said and I froze.

How did she know? I thought when she giggled.

"You have proved your loyalty Hongbin. Even if it meant causing Ravi his life.", she said pushing a pin through the dolls chest.

I heard a thud and saw Ravi lifeless on the ground. Hongbin chuckled and walked towards her.

"No!!", I yelled charging at them knocking them both over.


I had Suga go downstairs place Soo Jin in the basement. I still couldn't believe Top would do something like that. I heard talking outside and knew it was them. I told Suga to stay in the basement.

"Hey babe.", Top said as he walked in.

"Hi", I smiled as he hugged me.

GD went straight up to his room as always before I cooked dinner.

"Noona Taeyang took my muffin.", Daesung whined.

"You ate my cookie", he countered and I shook my head.

"These guys", I said and Top laughed.

"I know.", He smiled handing out plates.

The boys began eating and GD came back holding a picture. I saw him kiss the picture and smile before a voice was heard in everyone's head.

"Get her now!", it was Lola, that bitch.

They all got up and ran out the house towards the cave.

"Be careful.", I mumbled before going to the basement finding Suga reading the book.

"This is a spell.", he said.

"I know on the last page.", I told him.

"No here.", He said pointing at a folded page.

I grabbed the book from him and read the spell out loud.
May the heart bring light to defeat darkness. One pure soul to bring peace. And one death to bring life.

I shook my head before being blinded by a light.


Namjoon and Jin grabbed Hongbin and tossed him to a wall. I was about to snap Lola's neck when I was thrown off of her into a wall. I looked up and saw GD followed by big bang.

"Well well what do we have here.", He teased.

"Its about time?!", Lola screeched.

GD ran at me shoving me to a wall with a hand around my throat. Jimin punched him in the jaw and he let go stumbling back. Then Top grabbed Jimin putting him in a choke hold.

"What now little man.", he taunted.

As Jungkook went to help him Taeyang blocked him way before throwing punches. I turned my attention back to GD when he laughed.

"Your not gonna leave here alive.", he smirked punching me in the face.

I kicked him back to give me space and punched Top in the back freeing Jimin. Jimin tackled Taeyang off of Jungkook. Namjoon and Jin were up against N, Hongbin and Leo. They were already beaten but the enemy just kept on.

We're losing this battle and everyone knows it. The only thing we can do is to fall back. As if reading my mind Namjoon shouted to everyone.

"Fall back. Get back to the outpost!", he commanded and GD laughed.

"Wow this was just a waste of time.", be smirked as we began to back out of the chamber.

I was yanked back into a wall. I fell to the ground trying to catch my breath. I looked up to see GD standing there with that smirk on his face. He approached me with a dagger and cut across my face. I was to weak to fight back and closed my eyes waiting.

"This fight was fun while it lasted.", he said lifting his arm for the kill shot.


SJ-Good Job Suga you found a spell(throws treat)

Suga- *growls

SJ-Don't growl at me pabo .

Suga- Its all I can do since your my sister.

So it has begun. What do you guys think happened with Sai after she read that spell? What do you think of the fight so far. Could this be the end of V. Omo I'm getting excited by my own writing.

Saranghae ARMY and VIPS

-Jinn Jinn

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