Unexpected Visitor

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I was still a little in shock but got over it as I walked to my room. I laid down and felt a breeze from my window. I got up and closed it so the breeze would stop. I hit the pillow and feel into a light slumber. Later that night I shivered when a cool breeze hit my face. I looked over and noticed my window was open. I felt a pair of eyes on me and felt safe. Why I don't know.

"Jungkook", his name slipped from my lips with such ease as if it was meant to be.

"Yes", he replied.

I turned to see him sitting on my dresser.

"What are doing?", I asked not bothering to get a weapon.

"You are stuck in my head like a thought that won't go away.", He said to me.

"I feel connected to you. What does that mean.", he continued.

I told the story Soo Jin told me about soul mates and all that. He just smiled.

"Wow I never thought I would find the one for me.", he said before a knock was heard.

"Cho are you ok.", Choi asked.

"Yes I'm fine", I replied and her footsteps left.

"So might as well tell me about yourself then Cho", he said sitting next to me.

"Well i've been with Soo Jin since we were kids. She was there when my parents died and I was there when her parents were killed before her brother went missing.", I explained.

"Her brother?, he asked and I nodded.

"He went missing for weeks then turned to months and then years.", I finished.

"But her sisters....", he started before I cut him off.

"Choi was at a training camp while Kyra was at an aunts house after birth. She had to be cut from her dead mom's womb to stay alive." I told him.

"Did they ever find him.. her brother", He asked me.

"No he was suspected to be dead after a year.", I told him.

"What was his name?", Jungkook pushed for more information.

"Why so many questions?", I giggled.

"I want help.", he defended.

"His name was Yoongi. They were so close but then he disappeared.", I said and his eyes went wide.

"What's wrong?", I asked him.

"Nothing just wondering why would he leave his dongsaeng by herself.", he answered.

I sighed as my eyelids got heavy. He noticed and pushed me back.

"You should rest and plus they'll be looking for me.", he said going to the window.

"Goodnight", I mumbled not thinking he heard me.

"Goodnight Cho", he said jumping out of the window.


Yeah so we all know who Yoongi is hehe. But why'd he leave Jinn behind. Did he forget her. So many questions to answer but later. These beginning chapters are mostly about everyone's past. The action starts a few from here.

Saranghae ARMY

-Jinn Jinn

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