Chapter Eight: USJ

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"Stand in two straight lines to get on the bus!" Lida yelled by the door of the bus, hands outstretched and waving almost comically. Ah right, Lida became the class monitor yesterday. It was supposed to be Midoriya but something happened during lunch when we weren't there and he's now in charge, also now known as 'Exit Sign Boy' for some reason.

I didn't mind, I did vote for him after all. My candidates were Midoriya, Todoroki and Lida but I had a feeling Midoriya would be too timid to lead while Todoroki seemed like he just wanted to be left alone. I actually got two votes too, I wonder who they were though, not like I really cared about that whole thing in the first place. I was zoning out.

As we got on the bus, turns out we didn't need to be in two lines anyways. Being one of the first ones on, I chose a seat in the second row, Bakugou sitting in the seat in front of me. I looked out the window and pulled up my headphones only for the bus to start moving and the seat beside me to sink down. I glanced over and spotted Todoroki. "Every other seat next to someone normal was taken." I snickered at his attempt at brushing off the coincidence. "Its fine, after all, the seat beside Momo is open~" I grinned pointing at the starry eyed ravenette who seemed like she was going on her first ever field trip.

He looked down, not a word nor an attempt to move. In fact he seemed to lean back into the seat a little more. I laughed softly. "I'm joking, sorry." He looked up but caught himself and looked away. I nearly burst out laughing or squealing, maybe both. 'Who knew Mr Cold Shoulder could be so cute?'

I pulled my headphones down and opted for my earpieces. I swapped the plugs and inserted one of the earpieces into my left ear, offering the other one to the male beside me. He took it silently and leaned back. I was almost amazed at how fast he fell asleep.

As the bus kept driving forward, I chuckled a little at the reaction Bakugou had to Mina teasing him. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" He yelled when Sero called his behavior 'trash steamed in garbage water'. I had to get in on this."Yeah~ how could you say that to pwoow wittle Bakugow with his pwoofy,  spiky haiw (poor little Bakugou with his poofy, spikey hair)" I stuck out my bottom lip and brushed my hand over a few spikes of his hair, using my 'baby voice'.

"YOU-!" He was the inturupted by Aizawa sensei and I was forced to sit back in my seat. Pity, I barely got to see Bakuhan's face~


As the class alighted from the bus, I let the people behind us leave first while I nudged Todoroki with my shoulder. He moved a bit but simply dipped further back into the plush seat. I smiled a little, his deep state of slumber rather amusing for someone usually extremely attentive. I nudged him again to no response before proceeding to pat, pinch then tickle him in that order. He sturred but remained motionless notheless. I sighed and went to pinch his nose, using my other hand to clamp his mouth shut.

He flinched and soon opened his eyes. I released him and he gave a few shallow coughs before stepping out of his seat after realizing how most of the class had vacated the stationary vehicle.

"Sorry bout that, you were sleeping so soundly I couldn't think of another way to wake you." I mentioned as we hopped off the bus, me behind the taller boy. He seemed to stay silent and I regarded the situation over, until he murmured something in an almost sleepy whisper. "I respond to Shouto better." I stare at the male's retreating back as I processed his request. He was letting me call him by his first name?

I chuckled, shaking my head before jogging up to the male.

As we rejoined the rest of the class, I picked up on the sound of a certain pro hero's voice. Instantly recognizing the space hero's sound, I weaved along the outside of the crowd of students, finally reaching edges of the front row of the circle.

As I guessed, there he*(I really don't know Thirteen's gender so I'm going with the base refering, according to proper english, and eluding to Thirteen as a he.) was in all his dorky glory. Spacesuit and all. Prohero Thirteen. I spoke to him a couple times before during Prohero meetups and parties that I was forced to attend by Togou. At least some good came out of that, I now at least knew my search and rescue teacher. 

I also noticed the lack of a certain spikey haired number one superhero. Weird. 

"In a superhuman society, personal quirks have been certified and strictly regulated. So that doesn't appear to be a problem at first glance." He continued. "However, do not forget, there are many quirks that can easily kill with one wrong step." I hummed silently, glancing at my palm as I felt it sizzle. 'Ahh, I must be coming down with something. My blood's being a little uncooperative' I closed my fist, squeezing slightly and making a small wound, blood bubbling out as a small fire lit in my hand. I clenched my fist, letting my blood cool and containing the spread of the small flame.

'Although what Thirteen said makes sense, people with quirks that can kill others are at a higher risk of killing themselves. In that case, anyone who doesn't put in the effort to train up their control of their quirk is an idiot.' I mulled over slightly as I slowly opened my fist, the blood already clotted and wound practically self cauterized.

"With that, let us begin." The scratchy voice of Aizawa sensei came in, catching my attention. "Right, first-" Thirteen was cut off by the sight of a strange warping near the bottom of the staircase. An instinctive chill shot up my spine.

'Something's wrong'

Kinesis [Male!OC x Todoroki Shouto] DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now