Chapter Thirteen: Nightlife

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I pondered over the sports festival announcement from yesterday and how Todoroki suddenly left as I twirl my keys around my index finger, reaching the alley that led to my apartment. He seemed so, frustrated...

The only weekend I get and yet I use it to rack my brain over a guy and buy groceries.

I rounded the corner and passed the drunkards that were laughing at nothing. Groceries in hand.

Reaching the apartment building,  I walked up the old chipping concrete stairs and approached my room door.

Jamming my keys into my apartment door's lock, I twisted it and the barrel clicked open, my door swung out easily. Too easily.

I lit my hand aflame and iced every possible exit, luckily enough that was just a door to my bedroom and two windows that were probably rusted shut to begin with.

"What do you want?" I questioned the man who showed no intention of fleeing. He turned to face me, a sinister smirk on his features. It was then I noticed the grotesque purple flesh that was under his eyes and stretched from his lower jaw to his collarbones. Silver staples messily lined the edges of the wrinkly flesh as I spotted more along his arms.

"How did you know?" He cocked his head to the side. "I noticed the scuff marks on the welcome carpet at the back door of the apartment building." Not noticable unless you used the door daily, never stepped on the mouldy door mat and knew that no one else in the building would come out back. Which I ticked all the boxes for.

He clapped

"Now, talk or burn" I lit a small circle of fire around him, red flames blooming. "You must think very little of me if you surround me with these cold flames." He spoke hoarsely, almost as though he had just awoken from a nap and was still tired.

"Just talk, since you haven't attacked me yet I'm assuming thats what you're here for." The male nodded and looked around almost in a daze. "To think, The Elemental's son lives in such a crummy apartment." I sighed, rolling my eyes and hopped onto the marble counter seperating the kitchen from the living room. I dropped my bags on the counter beside me. Then, a thought pops into my head. 'He's a petty thief....huh?' "What do you want, Thief?" He looked impressed, boosted my ego a bit but it meant close to nothing coming from a lowly villain who resorts to theivery.

"Nothing, just to get to know each other." He grinned. "Spit it out already, you'd think an encounter with a villain who has a quirk like yours would be a bit more fun~" I sighed.

His eyes went slightly wide, barely noticeable but I continued. "Lemme guess, fire too? Well sorry to burst your bubble but I'm not just a boring fire user." I was getting bored and tired, two of the things I hated most. "But I guess you're not either huh? There's a catch, but what exactly?" I wanted this over or hyped up soon or I'll be halfway into snoozeville-

Blue flames licked up the side of my wall as they encapsulated the room. Even the previously freezing cold marble slab I sat on was now radiating a sweltering heat. I grinned, the bright blue definitely catching my attention.

I slip off the counter top, my feet starting the ripples of ice that smothered the flames and evaporated instantaneously from the after heat. A calculation perfectly balanced that I deduced from the blue sheen of the fire.

"So that's it~" I whistled in amusement. "Nice, if I weren't here the fire could've probably burnt this place to the ground in no time flat." I hummed. "Well you've caught my interest, so what did you want~?" He grinned. "Nothing really, just to find a way into U.A."

My grin fell. "Well aren't you boring now~ Get into U.A.? That's it?" He shook his head, "Not exactly, I've been wanting to get into U.A. to get to know a distant relative of mine." Ahhh, there it is again, that creepy-ass smirk. "Oh? This is getting interesting~ And who might that be~?" Before he could speak up, a thought hit me. "Ah wait, fire weilder, has a relative in U.A. With such a strong quirk I'm guessing they're in the hero division, which leaves Class A and B." I murmured.

"Well, I can't exactly get you into U.A., for two minors that'd be reckless." I thought for a bit and an idea popped into my head. "But~ Depending on what's in for me, I could do something similar~" 'Besides, he's clever but I can already tell he relies a bit too much on his quirk, I can take him down if things show thr slightest sign of going south. Doesn't look like he has family either, almost too easy.' He paused for a bit, almost shocked, but then smiled. "How about unlimited access to the Villain League's plans?"

"I knew you wouldn't disappoint~" his face regained its composure and he held out a hand. "Do we have a deal?"

I returned a smile I may or may not have copied off a certain pierced zombie dude. "How about we shake hands after you get into the league, Dabi? Shigaraki is rather difficult to persuade as I've heard." Ok, now he looked surprised. "How-?" he cut himself off. "Sure then, I'll see you soon"

I nod and grin, ushering him off with a flourish as I remove the ice from my door frame.

As soon as the door shut, my mind was a haze. 'Wait, what did I just say? I made a deal with a villain? He looked so shocked those last few lines. What? What did I say to him?'

"Why can't I remember-? Ah-!" My eye, it burns.

I run to the bathroom sink and open the eye, nothing, its not even red, just that stupid slit of a pupil. So why? Why does it sting so bad!?

I lurch against the sink. It feels like my eye is being ripped open and fire is spreading through my nerves.

My brain is starting to hurt. Its not going away, just getting worse.

I look back up at the mirror and I still look fine, until I spot that red bead running down my nose. I reach up to touch it only for an ear-splitting frequency to hit me in the head and echo in my skull. The pain increases thricefold in a span of seconds and I feel my consciousness slip.

I bite my tongue, desperate to stop the darkness flooding my vision. I snarl, the pain making inhumane growls crawl out my throat.

'Who's that lady? I recognize he-' my vision goes black.

Kinesis [Male!OC x Todoroki Shouto] DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now