Chapter Fifteen: Preliminaries

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The event was kickstarted with a 'motivational' speech from Bakugou about how the school was a stepladder and that he would win the UA Sports Festival. Fun.

As class 1A practically burned in shame, Tokoyami nudged Sora who was standing next to him. "Midnight called Bakugou up as he scored first place, correct me if I'm wrong but weren't you the one who scored first place?" The albino nodded and huffed, a small pout on his face.

"Apparently since the entrance exam for me was optional and not really official, I don't count...Unless Bakugou does something stupid and I-" The male sighed again, brushing a hand through his hair.

"I'm taking first place." The blonde affirmed the moment he received the mic. "Have to take over..."

As expected, immediately after Bakugou's speach, Sora was called up to ease tge crowd a little.

"So, it seems Mr Bakubomb's words have affected you all." The blonde growled but Soma proceeded. "However, that only shows that you believe his words of provocation and that he will truly triumph over you all. So why not turn that anger into something a little more productive~?" The crowd seemed to relax, until...

"But don't get me wrong, as long as I have half a mind to win this competition, the chances of anyone else winning is slim~" and with that, the albino waved and with a smile that both stunned and annoyed everyone, he turned to leave


As Midnight announced the obstacle course for the preliminaries, I recognize the zero point robots from the entrance exam. She then goes on to reveal the crevice and minefield we have to cross.

At least its more difficult than a bunch of flimsy robots.

Still we were soon off.

Something about the preliminaries caught my attention. This would be the first time your opponents saw your quirk. This wasn't just a warm up game, this was an exhibition match that would tell your opponents who were weak, who were strong, who had what quirk and who was the one to beat.

As we passed through the tunnel that led to the course, it was already apparent, Bakugou and Todoroki led the pack while Midoriya and the class were scattered around. I spotted the purple haired boy who declared war on 1A, he was in the middle, blending in a bit too well.

He probably caught onto what potential the game could have for shutting down stronger players.

Still, I wasn't one to be in last place so I figured I would take it easy a little, take first place for the majority then allow Todoroki and Bakugou to cross the finish lime before me.

I jogged a little faster, catching up to the two rivals.

The first obstacles were easy enough, the zero point robots from the entrance exam. Without missing a beat, Todoroki used his right side and froze a path before speeding through, leaving the robots at an odd angle. I knew going under would be suicide so I used a little blast of fire to shoot me up and over the robots.

As I ran after Todoroki, I decreased my wind resistance and increased the ground's abrasiveness to increase my speed without me having to break a sweat.

Seeing as I trained pretty hard during the week leading up to this, I was able to catch up to Todoroki easily, though I might've over done it. My ankle is aching.

As we reached the drop, Todoroki was skating across the rope. I lit a small fire near the base of my rope and began dashing across, careful to not lose my footing. By the time I reached the end, the rope had burned through, sending half my competitors along with them. Still I'm not cruel, I already spotted the existant air bags beneath the shadow of the cavern and I made sure to increase air resistance in that area so they don't fall too fast and break their neck.

Anyways, I carried on, Todoroki just ahead of me and Bakugou just a few steps behind me, his explosions sounding off every two seconds. As we reached the final obstacle, the mine field, you could say I had a field day. (I'm sorry.) I got into the habit of using gust if wind or a small rupture in the earth to pick up landmines and chuck them behind me.

Pretty funny the sounds I heard but of course winning was number one on my mind. The old man was watching after all.

I kept an even pace with Todoroki and Bakugou was trying to grab at me with explosive hands.


It was pretty easy to fend of either Bakubomb's or Todo's attacks seperately but both of them, plus the added complication of landmines, made the whole thing a pretty difficult dance that would fall apart if we didn't stay alert. Suddenly, an explosion sounded off behind us. Louder than the crackle and pop of single mines. I turned just in time to spot Midoriya on a sheet of scrap metal and a large explosion behind him which I presume he caused to launch him.

This was gonna be troublesome.

I froze over Bakugou's hand that was still grabbing for me and dug my nail into my thumb quickly drawing blood and snapping my fingers in front of the two boys. A small spark and a makeshift smoke screen bought me a few seconds which was all it took for me to pull ahead and speed after Midoriya. "Better luck next time~" I waved back at the two boys, playing fair was challenging but can you really blame me for using my tricks? Its practically what I live and breathe.

Still, I wasn't about to lose myself in the competition and ate first place from hard working Midoriya. Plus there seemed to be a catch with first place, I just couldn't quite put my thumb on it. So on the final dash to the finish line I lagged a few steps behind Midoriya and he took first place.

I came in a split second after, sweating but not really that winded, didn't have to use much of my quirk or my stamina. Todoroki came third and Bakugou forth, he was fuming. Todoroki seemed unaffected but Bakugou was like a balloon waiting to burst. He looked like a raging bull with his snarl, bulging neck veins and hunched posture.

Still, second place seemed netter than first for the prelims. Don't stand out too much and make people look down on you, their overconfidence can be their undoing. Well, at least that was what I was going for.

Kinesis [Male!OC x Todoroki Shouto] DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now