Chapter Fourteen: Sports Festival (Part 2)

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After that day, I woke up in my room. I couldn't remember anything that happened after that villain left. I was asleep for about half a day.

Since Todoroki left that day, we haven't met in the mornings and he talked even less, which I didn't even know was possible. He hated his father, this much was obvious, but what else was going through his head? Why can't I read him?

I landed another punch on the red punching bag. Panting, I used my wrappings to wipe the bead of sweat falling down my cheek and dry off my matted forehead.

I noticed how much darker the room had become and glancing over at the clock confirmed my suspicions. I undid my knuckle wraps and put them aside. I grabbed the towel I brought and wiped myself down a little more before pulling my usual hoodie over my undershirt. I slung the yellow sweat rag around my shoulders and slung my bag over my shoulder.

I listened for a bit before exiting the room. Father wasn't back yet, great.

As I left for the door, I passed my brother who was doing some work. "Thanks for helping me sneak in, I owe you one." I smiled at my green haired stick of a brother. "No problem Sora. Hey, the U.A. Sports Festival is coming up, isn't it?  I'll be recording it if you want to watch." I nod.

"Well I'll be going Greenie." I grinned, ruffling his messy mop of hair. He frowns, trying to enforce his role as the elder brother but still failing rather miserably. "Bye Sora."

As I shut the door, I decided to run home to keep my muscles warm.

As I ran, I spotted a particular blonde doing some pull ups at a playground set of monkeybars. 'Guess even he's training huh? And at a playground no less.'

I popped by the nearby vending machine and bought two energy drinks, walking over to Bakugou who seemed to be taking a break, sitting on the swing. I tapped the back of his neck with the drink and tried to keep myself from laughing like a hyena when he jumped up and face me, hands outstretched and his face weirdly contorted.

He growled after realizing what had happened and hastily grabbed the bottle I was teasingly waving before his face. He took a swig and sat down as I followed suit, taking a rest on the swing beside him.

"So, training for tomorrow?" I decide to break the silence. He huffs, as usual, but actually replies. "I'm going to beat you, I'll get the Number One spot." Now that's the spirit. "You sure? I think I'll beat you~"

He jumps up and glares at me. "Hell no! I'll beat you! I'm Number One!" I chuckle. His reactions will always be hilarious. I drag myself onto my feet. "So is this a deceleration of war?" He grins. "Bring it." We clasp hands and shake them firmly. One down, two more to go.

'I'm winning this.'


'Ah. I'm late...' I thought as reluctantly began running. Sure the cooler air from the end of spring wasn't half bad weather for running but seeing as how I had just woken up about 10 minutes ago, I wasn't exactly in the mood to rush to school.

"More controversy means more ratings!" Oh yikes, there's that irritating news reporter. As I spotted the long line outside the school, I shook my head in silent irritation before scaling the wall.

Before the security walls were thrown up and the school became under lockdown again, I flashed my student pass at a security camera that had suddenly swiveled in my direction the moment my hand touched the top of the wall.

I could practically hear the person on the other side sigh as the camera turned away.

Welp, that went better than I thought.

I dashed into the 1A waiting room and soon all eyes were on me. I glanced around and noticed the oddly tense atmosphere, Todoroki and Midoriya were face to face in the center of the room, the rest of the class a good distance away from them.

"H-hey hey, c'mon guys, don't pick a fight here-" Kirishima placed a hand on Todoroki's shoulder only to have it knocked aside as the heterochromic boy pushed past him. "I'm not here to play friends. So what does it matter?"

'So that's it...' I leaned by the door, analyzing the situation as Midoriya opened his mouth to speak. "Todoroki, I don't know what you're thinking when you say you'll beat me." He paused, taking in a quick breath. "But of course you're stronger than me. I think you're more capable than most people... Looking at it objectively..."

Kirishima grinned uneasily. "Midoriya, you shouldn't talk about it so negatively-"

"But...! Everyone, the students from the other courses are aiming for the top with everything they've got!" 'I swear, Midoriya should be a motivational speaker, or a politician... Nah he'd be protesting cruelty to puppies. Yeah, that's it.'

"I'll be going for it with everything I have too."

"Yeah." Todoroki nodded curtly and turned to leave, but before he could exit the door, I couldn't help speaking up. "So that's it?" He stopped.

"I feel a little hurt, Todo. You declare war on Midoriya and not me first?" I pushed myself off the doorframe.

We fave each other, the room more silent than ever. "I must say I'm bubbling with envy~" I grinned, I was pushing his buttons, it was etched into the way his teeth clenched and fingers twitched. "Perhaps I'm not worthy for the all mighty Todoroki Shouto? Well I might as well say it." I slouched lazily, I could leave him in the dark and let him figure it out himself, but what's the fun in having him break down just before the finale?

"If you're not here to 'play friends' then get your old man to tutor you, because at this rate, forget about surpassing All Might, the No. 2 spot will be the best you can get. Number one just barely out of reach." Hr looked angry, no furious, practically hunched over and growling like a wolf. I was hitting it where it hurt. My speciality~

"Keep up this mentality and, as much as you don't want to, you'll end up just like your father." I could see Kaminari and Kirishima slowly creeping towards us to cool the situation down but they backed off when Todoroki pushed me into the wall.

"You know I'm right, why else would you be so angry?" I could feel his grip waver and I lowered my voice to a level only he could hear. "You're scared to become your father, I get that, but keep this mentality and you'll be the spitting image of him.You know I'm right."

I pushed his hand off me.

"So! Todoroki, I am officially declaring war on you, and Midoriya!" The broccoli headed boy leaped five feet in the air. "Y-yes?!"

'Let's add some pezaz~' I cupped my hands together, forming some ice cranes. "Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, I formally declare my wish to defeat you three in the UA Sports Festival." I released the cranes as the floated into the hands of all three boys.

Todoroki caught it gently in one hand, glancing at it briefly as the ice burnt up in a golden flame, exposing a light blue paper crane. Midoriya had his green paper crane cupped in his hands, looking between it and me in a state of shock while Bakugou focused on me, his orange crane on the table beside him.

"Don't dissapoint~" I grinned happily, like a kid who had found a new toy as I waved back at them while walking out the door, clasped between my index and middle finger was a red crane.

Kinesis [Male!OC x Todoroki Shouto] DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now