Sometimes, Siblings Fight

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(Y/n)'s POV

I walked into Biology and immediately regretted it. I forgot I had this class with Laurence.

I didn't want him to see that I was crying a few minutes ago.

Maybe he won't notice.

I intensely rub my eyes and walk to my desk. Laurence greets me with a smile as I sit down.

"Hey, Laurence." I weakly smile back at him.

"How was first period? You had a test in there, right? I know you're not too good with math."

A flash of panic came over me. I had missed a test for the class that I was most likely to fail.

I shrugged it off and laughed a little. "I don't know. It was kinda hard. Honestly, I mostly guessed on everything but I hope I'll be alright."

Laurence smiles and leans over to peck me on the lips. This made me blush.

"Laurence.. I wanted to talk to you about that kiss we shared."

Laurence nodded. "What about it?"

"Does.. it nean that we're a thing?"

This made Laurence grin. "That depends. Do you want to be a couple? Because I could make that happen."

I smirk. "Can you? I think you'd actually need me to agree with you to make that happen."

"Well, (Y/n). Will you be my-"

"Zvhal. (L/n)." Our biology teacher cut Laurence off. "Will you please pay attention to what we're doing."

Laurence sighed. "Yes, sir. Sorry."

I knew what his question was going to be, and it made my heart race.

I sigh as I take out my notebook and began writing down the notes that were on the board.

Dante's POV

I was sitting in my study class hall, on my phone, when two guys who were talking behind me caught my attention.

They were talking about (Y/n).

"Bro, Gene's so lucky."

Gene? What does Gene have to do with (Y/n)? As far as I know, they haven't even met.

"I know, dude! Have you heard about everything they did?"

"Yeah, I did! I heard that she begged him to let her give him a blow job."

"Gene's literally the luckiest senior at Phoenix Drop. (Y/n)'s a snack. I'd hit that."

What? They hooked up? No, that wasn't right. I know for a fact that (Y/n) is into Laurence. Gene did something...

As soon as the bell rang, signaling that we were free to leave class, I made my way to where the Shadow Knights usually hang out during lunch. Besides the bleachers.

I spotted my tall, black haired brother as I approached.

Zenix saw me coming, and told something to Gene.

As soon as I approached, he spun around. "Hey, little brother! Do you need something?"

I eyed him carefully. "I actually came here to ask you a question."

"Okay, what's the question?"

"Why is everyone talking about you and (Y/n)?" I asked, crossing my arms. "And please don't lie to me, big bro."

Gene hesitated. "People are talking about us? Like, what? Being together? Because I've never even met the girl."

I glared at him. "I heard people talking about you and (Y/n).. doing things. Did you do something to her, Gene? Because I know that she's not interested in you."

"Dante, little brother. They're just a bunch of made up rumors. I wasn't even at that party."

I frowned. "I never said anything about a party."

Gene pretty much smacked himself but then tried playing it off. "I've heard the rumors too, Dante. I know what people are saying."

I shook my head. "You literally made it clear a few seconds ago that you didn't even know people were talking."

Wasting no time, I punch Gene in the face. Yes, we're bothers. But sometimes, siblings fight. He messed with my friend and I did not think that was okay.

"Jeez, Gene. You've been getting punched alot lately." Sasha states.

"Wow, Dante." He grinned as he held onto the spot that I punched. "Who knew you had it in you."

"What did you do to (Y/n)? And don't give me crap!"

"You really wanna know? I drugged her, and then made out with her. Happy?"

"No, not happy! Why would you do that?" I look down at my knuckles. They were bruising.

Gene shrugged. "I was bored."

I growl. "Wait til I tell dad."

Gene laughed. "You don't be telling anyone anything. (Y/n)''s dad works for our father. Meaning, I can get him to fire her dad. And let's just say (Y/n) isn't very financially stable."

My eyes widened. He was right. Her dad was an employee for my father's company.

I breathed slowly. "The very least you could do is say that the rumors aren't true."

Gene shrugged. "Or not. I mean, it doesn't affect me. I don't really care."

"Gene.." I frowed.

Gene sighs. "I'll think about it. But people saw (Y/n) and I go into that room together so I don't know if my protests will even do anything."

I shook my head and turned around, walking back to the school building.

(Y/n)'s POV

The rest of the school day was weird. I noticed that girls were giving me dirty looks and boys tried getting my number. This had been going on all day.

I assumed it was because of what those two girls in the restroom were talking about.

It didn't matter though. Only I knew what happened. No one else knew the truth. They were all talking lies.

It was last period. I was very excited. After biology, Laurence told me to meet him at (favorite restaurant) after school.

Obviously, Laurence had soccer practice, so after school for him meant at 6pm. That gave me time to go home and get out of this preppy school dress and into more comfortable clothing.

Once the bell rang, I immediately headed to the soccer field to catch Laurence before I left home.

"Laurence!" I basically jog up to him. Even though I jogged for about five seconds, I was incredibly out of breath. Perks of being incredibly unfit.

Laurence laughed at this. "You should really try working out sometime. It would help."

I roll my eyes and grin as he gives me a small kiss. "Yeah, yeah. I just wanted to see you before tonight."

Laurence grinned at this. "You better not stand me up."

"Oh, please. If anything, I'm the one who should be worried about that." I laugh. "Anyways, I should be going. I have to get ready and finish my homework so, I'll see you later."

Laurence smiles and kisses me again, before running off onto the field.

I swear, the fireworks never seem to fade.


I do hope you've enjoyed this chapter!

I'm almost at 100 votes, which is really fucking cool!

And alot of you are very active with commenting, and I love that!

I've never had such a large handful of people read my stuff, so I really appreciate you guys!

Anyways, thank you so much for reading! I'll see you guys soon!


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