Chapter 2 Reaped

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Katniss POV

Prim, mom and I just arrived at the town square. All the kids of 12 are here, in line getting a blood sample taken. Prim starts to wimper and pull back. I turn and kneel down.

"Its okay, just a little blood sample. Thats all. I promise. It doesn't even hurt." I say. She nods and we get in line. After a few minutes they take mine and I get in line with all the other 16 year old girls. I look at see Prim with the 12 year old's and see Peeta with the 16 year old boys. I nods just as the wonderful Effie Trinket, note the sarcasm walks out on stage.

"Happy Hunger Games. And may the odds be ever in your favor." she says in her annoying, high pitched Capitol voice. "Today we will pick one courageous young man and woman to participate in the Games to honor they're district. As always, ladies first." she walks towards the large glass bowl with thousands of little slips pf paper. She reaches in, does some kind of weird motion with her hand and takes a slip. She pulls it out and walks back to the microphone. She opens it and clears her throat. "Primrose Everdeen." and with that my heart stops. I look to Prim who's in pure fear but start to walk slowly towards the stage. I rush through the crowd and to the clearing.

"Prim!" I say walking to her but peacekeepers stop me. "No! No! I volunteer! I volunteer!" they let me go and I push them aside. "I volunteer as tribute." 

"Its seems we have a volunteer." Effie says smiling. I rush to Prim and pull her into my arms, 

"Prim you have to get out of here." I say as she cried.

"No! No!" she says.

"Prim, you have to go. Now!" I say. Than Peeta walks through the crowd and picks her up, carrying her away. 

"No! Stop! No! Katniss! Katniss!" she yells. I turn and walk towards the stage, up the stairs and to Effie. 

"Tell us your name dear." she says.

"Katniss Everdeen." I say quietly into the microphone. 

"And I bet my hat that was your sister." she says smiling.

"Yes." I say. 

"Well, how about a round of applause for District 12's very first volunteer." she says clapping but instead all bring the three middle fingers of they're left hand to they're lips and raise they're hands in the air toward me. Showing me that they love and respect me. "Okay, now for the boys." Effie walks to the other bowl and pulls out another name than walks back to the microphone. "Peeta Mellark." My eyes shoot up to see Peeta who exhales and walks calmly towards the stage. not my Peeta.  He walks up the stairs and looks at me. "The tributes of District 12, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark." than we're taken away. I'm put in a room and they close the door. A minute later mom and Prim walks in. Prim jumps into my arms, crying her eyes out.

"Katniss! Please, stay alive and come home." she says.

"I will. I'll come back to you. I promise you this." I say. She nods and pulls me in for another hug. I stand up and look at mom. "Listen to me, you can't black out again. Not this time. You have to be there for her." she nods and gives me a tight hug and kiss.

"Times up!" two Peacekeepers come in and pulls them out. Another minute later Madge Undersee, that mayor's daughter walks in.

"Madge?" I ask. She nods and pulls me in for a hug.

"I wanted to give you something." she says pulling a golden little pin from her pocket. "Here. Its a mockingjay pin. It'll bring you luck." I nod and smile.

"Thank you." I say giving her another hug. 

"Stay alive. For your family and our district." she says. I nod as the peacekeeper comes back in and pulls her out. Than I'm taken to the train and into a small room with a bed and what not. Very luxurious.

"Katniss?" I turn and see Peeta. I break into tears and rush into his arms. "God Katniss. I'm so sorry." he says.

"Theres 24 of us Peeta, only one comes out." I say. He kisses my cheek and hugs me tightly. "Peeta, I can't kill you. I need you."

"Its okay. Calm down. Lets go meet this Haymitch." he says. I nod and we walk to dinning car. We sit down as Effie walks in with a stumbling, mumbling man. 

"This is Haymitch Abernathy." she says. They walk over to us and sit down. "He will be your mentor."

"Okay, where do we start?" Peeta asks. Haymitch looks up and frowns.

"Accept the possibility of you death." he says smiling. This is gonna be a long day.


Yeah, second chapter and they were Reaped. Hope this was okay.

Nikki :)

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