Chapter 17 The Mutts

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Katniss POV

Peeta and I sit at the lake, waiting for Cato to throw a sword as us or jump out of the lake or something. Peeta keeps poking the small fire as I stare at the water. Its night and pretty cold.

"Katniss?" I jump and look up. "You think you'll win? That we'll beat Cato?" he asks. I look back down and sigh.

"I don't know, I hope so." I say. He nods and goes back to poking the fire. "Peeta, relax." 

"I will, its okay." he says. Than we hear a scream. We jump to our feet and turn to see Cato running towards us. But than he passes us and we see them. The large Mutts running towards us. We turn and start to run to the cornucopia. We make it and I climb up. I turn and take Peeta's hand but a Mutt bites down on his leg, pulling him down. I don't let go and pull him up. Cato grabs him and holds him in a head lock. I grab my bow and aim at him.

"I wouldn't do that Kitty." he says smiling. I stand there, trying to figure out what I want to do. "Go ahead, shoot me and we both go down." I look at Peeta who shakes his head.

"Let him go." I say quietly. Cato chuckles and tightens his grip hurting Peeta. 

"Why? We're all gonna die in the end. It doesn't matter." he says. I look at Peeta who draws a small X in blood on the back of Cato's hand and is mouthing "5 4 3 2 1" and I shoot, hitting Cato's hand. Peeta kicks him off the side of the cornucopia than falls on the hard metal. I drop my bow and rush to Peeta as Cato screams in pain.

"Peeta, its gonna be okay." I say. He nods and looks up to the roof of the arena. "Please." I lean down and kiss him lightly.

"We're gonna go home." he says weakly. I smile and nod. "I love you Katniss."

"I love you too Peeta." I say. But than I remember his leg. I pull his pant leg up and see the bloody, deep bite. "Its okay, just a scratch." I wrap another two bandages around it, stopping the bleeding.

"Sure." he says. I lay down and relax, waiting for them to get us.

The Next Morning

"Peeta!" I say shaking him back awake. His face is white as snow and he's freezing, even though its really hot outside. "Please stay awake."

"I'm okay." he says very weakly. A tear escapes my eye and I give him another kiss.

Attention tributes. The rule that says two may become victors if they're from the same district has been.....revoked. Only one can win. Good luck and my the odds and may the odds be ever in your favor." the speaker says. I lose my breath and look to Peeta who's shaking. I pull him into a sitting position and wrap my jacket around him.

"Its okay." he cuts the bandages off his leg, allowing the blood to come pouting out.

"Peeta, no st...."

"No, you have to go home. They have to have they're victor." he says. I shake my head.

"No, they don't and they won't." I say pulling the Nightlock berries out.

"No Katni.."

"Hey, its you and me. I love you and I'm not letting them have they're way." I say. He sighs and nods. I give him some and we look at each other. He leans in and kisses me one last time.

"Together?" he asks.

"Together." I say. We throw the berries into out mouths but we can't swallow.

"Stop! Stop! Ladies and Gentleman. I have the great honer to present to you the victors of the 74th Hunger Games. Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark." the speaker says. We spit the berries out and rinse our mouths with some water. I smile and wrap my arms around Peeta's neck. I pull back and press my lips to his. The sound of the hovercraft breaks our kiss and we look up. Looks like I'm going home. Home with my Peeta.


YAY!!! They're okay and they're leaving the arena! I hope this chapter was okay.

Nikki :)

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