Chapter 10 Hunted by the Upper Class

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Katniss POV

A strange smell fills my nose. I look and see forest fire everywhere! I untie the rope but fall to the ground. I jump to my feet and start to run as fast as I can away. The heat increases but I keep running, than a fire ball comes flying towards me. I dodge it and start to run again but another hits a rock next to me, exploding and burning my upper thigh. I scream in pain but I have to get away. I pull myself to my feet and start to run again, despite the horrible pain in my thigh. I limb as fast as I can but I slip and fall down a short hill and into the river. I water relaxes the burn but than I hear voices.

"It can't be that hard. You saw the smoke, she's dumber than I thought." it says.

"Yeah, but that was alot of smoke. More like forest fire, and she do......there she is!" Marvel says pointing at me. I gasp and swim to the edge, climbing out and running again. I can hear them right behind me.

"Come on! Run little Kitty!" Cato yells. I see a good tree so I climb as high as I can as they surround the tree.

"I'll get her." Glimmer says. She has the silver bow I wanted. She shoots an arrow at me but I misses me by an inch. 

"Give it here." Cato says taking it from her and shooting at me but missing again. I smile and look down.

"Why don't you throw the sword?" I yell to Cato. 

"Lets wait." Peeta says.

"What?" Clove says.

"She has to come down sometime. We'll just kill her than." he says. A tear escapes my eyes.

"Okay." Cato says. They set up camp so I climb abit higher. I sit and pour abit of water I found onto the burn, making it worse. I tie myself to the branch and close my eyes. Than a beeping catches my attention. I look and see a small, metal canister falling from the sky with a parachute. It lands one branch higher so I untie myself and climb up to grab it. I open it and a small piece of paper says: Apply Generously and Stay Alive. H

"Haymitch." I whisper. I take the small cup and open it to see some kind of cream. I sit down down and rub it on the burn. Its very soothing and I calm down. It cools. I tie myself to the branch and fall asleep.

The Next Morning

"Hey!" I open my eyes and look around. "Psst!" I look and see the little girl from 11. Rue. She points up. I look up and see a bee nest or something. I climb up and pull my knife, starting to cut the thick branch. Than a sting, it hurts so bad but I have to keep going. I cut and cut but get stung another 2 times. Than the branch breaks and falls to the ground with a loud crash. Everybody jump up, screaming and trying to kill the bees. I climb down and start to run but I can't see anything. Ever........every...thing is.. is soooo.......blurry but I do see a body. I look and see a dead Glimmer so I take the bow and the sheath but I don't get far before everything goes black.


Hope this was okay. I'm trying to stick to the book without stealing from it.

Nikki :)

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