Chapter 14 Grab and Go Gone Wrong

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Katniss POV

I run through the trees and to the cornucopia. I have to save Peeta's life, I just have to. Letting him die.....I don't know what I would do. I make it there and am about to run but stop when I see foxface. She grabs her's and leaves. I start to run, grabbing the small bag and running around the corner but a knife flying right at my face makes me fall back. Its Clove! I sit up and shoot two arrows at her but I miss and she tackles me to the ground. We fight abit until she pins me down.

"Where's loverboy?" she asks. "Oh, you wanna help him, do you? Well, too bad you couldn't help Rue. Yeah, we killed her. So now.." she pulls out another knife and holds it to my face. "We're gonna kill you." before she can stab me she's pulled away and slammed against the cornucopia.

"You killed her?!" Thresh yells.

"No!" Clove says.

"I heard you say it!" he yells.

"Cato! Cato!" Clove calls.

"You said her name!" Thresh slams her against the wall a few tines until her skull breaks open and blood comes pouring out. She falls to the ground and looks at me. "Just this time Katniss! For Rue." he says before running away. I stand up and grab the small bag. I run back to the cave but I start to feel weak. Blood is streaming out of the wound in my head. I stumble into the Cave and open the bag. I pull out a small syringe and stick it into Peeta's leg. I throw it away and give Peeta another kiss but than I too fall into darkness.


I know, short! I'm sorry! My sommer vacation starts next week so I'll update alot.

Nikki :)

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