Chapter 18 Love Beats It All

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Katniss POV

I open my eyes and look around. I'm in a small, white room on a table with cables attected to my arms. I sit up and pull them off but something catches my attention. I can hear out of my left ear again. I smile and stand up and walking to the door. I open it and see Haymitch with Effie and Cinna. I walk out and they gasp.

"Katniss!" Effie shriks rushing into my arms. "My dear, you made it. I knew you would." I smile and look to Cinna. 

"Good work girl on fire." he says. I rush into his arms. "You did good."

"Thanks, wheres Peeta?" I ask but all are silent. "Where is he?!"

Katniss, he was really badly hurt. His leg....." Haymitch trails off.

"What happened to him!" I yell. He raises his hands and points to a room behind me. "First I wanna talk." he says. I groan and follow him outside. "Your in big trouble." 

"Why? Cause I didn't die?" I ask.

"No, you showed them up. They will get revenge and I think on you and Peeta."

"So, I'm not really happy with them." I say.

"Katniss, this isn't a game." he says. "They don't play games."

"Okay, what should we do?" I ask.

"Stay with Peeta and never let him go." he says. I nod and he pulls me in for a hug. "Now go to him." I walk back in and to his room I open the door and step in, seeing him on the table with cables in his arms. I rush over to him and give him a light kiss. His eyes flutter open and he smiles,

"Hey Kitty." he says weakly. I smile and take his hand. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say. He nods and sits up. "How about you?" 

"I can't really feel my leg." he says. I pull the blanket off but his leg looks fine. "Weird."

"Peeta, we're going home. We made it." I say. He smiles and pulls me close, kissing my neck and mumbling things like 'I love you' and 'I'll never let you go.'

"Can I get up? I wanna walk for a while." he says. I nod and help him up. "I guess love beats it all."

"Yep, lets go. Home." I say. He nods and we walk around but the only thing on my mind is getting home, and now.


Okay, I'm skipping the interview so don't get mad.

Nikki :)

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