Chapter 11 Plan Gone Wrong

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Katniss POV

I open my eyes, looking around but I'm on my back. I sit up and see strange looking leafs all over my arms and one on my neck. I feel pretty good but still abit weak. My bow and sheath ore next to me. Than a twig snapping catches my attention so I turn and see Rue hidding behind a tree. 

"Its okay, I won't hurt you." I say. She steps out and smiles. She's about as tall as Prim, must be the same age too. 

"I'm Rue." she says getting closer.

"Katniss. What are all these leafs?" I ask.

"They heal the jacker stings." she says. "Tracker Jackers."

"I know them. What about the vemon?" I ask.

"You were out a few days. It should be okay." she says. I nod and look around. "I got a bird, its cooking."

"Okay, thats good." I say. After a while we've eaten and are watching the sky. "So, who's dead?"

"The girl from 1 and the boy from 10." she says.

"Okay, and the boy from my District?" I ask making her smile.

"Yeah, he's fine. I don't know if he's still with the Careers but he should be okay. But if he isn't, I think I saw him down at the river. know. You wanna look for him." she says. I laugh and look down.

"What about Cato and the others?" I ask.

"They took the supplies and piled it up at the cornucopia. Looks like a pyramid." she says.

"That sounds very tempting but I bet that its a trap." I say making her nod. "Lets get some rest and make a plan in the morning." she had a blanket in her bag so we lay down together and try for some sleep.

The Next Morning

So Rue and I are building small piles of branches with green leafs. We made about four.

"This is gonna really smoke so when you light it move quickly to the next." I say as we throw some more to the pile. "Light this last than meet me at our spot. I destroy they're stuff while they're chasing us."

"Okay but we need like a signal or something. In case one of us gets hurt or stoped." she says.

"Okay, what you got in mind?" I ask. She looks around and smiles. 

"Check this out." she sings a low, four melody tune. Than birds copy her.

"Mockingjays. Thats perfect." I say.

"Yep, thats if your okay and you'll be there soon." she says. I nod and she gives me a hug. "Be careful."

"I will, you too." I say pulling away and leaving. I walk to the cornucopia but stay hidden within the trees. I see Cato, Clove, Marvel, and another boy I don't know. Than I see the smoke from one of our fires.

"There, lets go check it out. You stay here." Cato says to the unknown boy before they all run away. Just as I start to head forward I see foxface. A girl from 5. Shes jumping around, not stepping on certain places and than I get it. Mines. I smile at how easy she made it for me. After she leaves I pull an arrow and aim at a small net of fruit. I shoot but miss it by an inch. I groan and take another arrow, aiming, taking a deep breath and letting it fly. It hits the net and rips it, letting the fruit fall to the ground causing the mines to explode. I'm thrown back and I can't hear anything. Than I feel blood streaming from my left ear. It hurts and I can't hear anything out of it. I see Cato and the others running towards us. He walks up the the boy, pulling the weapon from his hands and yelling at him. Than he snaps his neck with one swift move. I gasp and pull myself to my feet. Stumbling to the forest. I run for a while before stopping for a breath. I whistle the tune but nothing comes back. I whistle again and again but nothing.

"Katniss! Katniss help me!" I hear her yell. I run to her voice and see her under a net. I pull my knife and cut up, pulling her to her feet and giving her a hug. Than she gasps. I turn and see Marvel. I pull an arrow as he throws his spear but it misses and I shoot him in the neck, blood pours out and he falls down dead. I turn and see the spear in Rue's chest. She pulls it out and falls into my arms.

"Its okay, your gonna be okay." I say trying to hold back the tears.

"Did you blow they're supplies up?" she asks.

"Yes, everything." I say. She smiles.

"Good." she says weakly with tears streaming down the side of her face. "Katniss, you have to win this." she says. I look up to dead Marvel, realizing that I just killed a person. "Can you sing?"

"Sure." I say.

Deep in the meadow, under the willow

A bed of grass, a soft green pillow

Lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes

And when again they open, the sun will rise.

Here it's safe, here it's warm

Here the daisies guard you from every harm

Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true

Here is the place where I love you.

I look down and she she's gone. She's dead. I close her eyes and lay her in the soft grass. I go around, picking all kinds of white flowers and placing them around her body. I start to leave but stop. I bring my three middle fingers to my lips than hold them up to whatever camera watching me. Than I turn and leave. After a while of walking I break down and cry, I could've saved her but I couldn't.

"Attention tributes. The previous rule that there can only be one victor has been suspended. Now there can be two victors if both originate from the same district. This is the only anouncment." the loud voice says. 

"Peeta." I say to myself. Now I have to find him but how am I gonna do this? And can I forgive him?


Yay! She's gonna look for Peeta. I hope this chapter was okay.

Nikki :)

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