Chapter 6 Showing What You Got

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Katniss POV

I open my eyes and look around. I'm still in the Capitol, with Peeta on our way to our death. I feel his arm draped around my waist. I'm glad they let us sleep in the same bed. I sneak out of bed and walk to the dinning room. Nobody's up so I walk in and sit down. After letting everything go through my mind I feel the tears. I never cry, the last time was when my father died and that was 4 years ago.

"Hey, its okay." a voice says. I turn and see Peeta. He kneels down next to me and kisses my hand. "Everything will be okay. I promise."

"How can you be so positive? We're going to die." I say. He shakes his head and stands up.

"Katniss, come to bed and sleep. Tomorrow is the private training for the gamemakers." he says. I sigh and stand up, walking back to my room and crawling into bed. "Sleep now, little kitty." I smile and close my eyes.

The Next Morning

"Katniss, get up." I open my eyes and see Peeta smiling. "Time to get up." I sit up and yawn.

"What time is it?" I ask getting out of bed.

"7:30." he says pulling a fresh shirt on. I nod and pull my clothes on as well before we walk down to the dinning room.

"Good Morning lovebirds." Haymitch says smiling. I scowl and sit down next to Peeta as he plays with my hand. "I'm assuming your both ready for today."

"Yeah, yeah." I mumble looking out the window. Peeta's hand runs softly through my hair making me relax.

"Its okay." he whispers. Haymitch mumbles something and stands up.

"I need some for refreshments." he says stumbling away. I don't really mind Haymitch. Sure, he's worthless drunk but seems like a good guy. Than Effie walks in.

"Good morning. Today is the big day!" she says smiling. I shake my head and look down. "Remember, do your best." Than a horn goes off, calling us downstairs. We all leave and Peeta and I are brought to a small room with the other tributes. I hold Peeta's hand as they call all the tributes in, one by one. 

"Katniss Everdeen." the speaker says. I stand up along with Peeta.

"Show them what you got Katniss. Let them know your better." he says giving me a kiss. I nod and walk out to the large room where the gamemakers. I walk in and see them eating and laughing.

"Katniss Everdeen, District 12." I say catching they're attention. I take the bow and an arrow, aiming it at the target but missing. I take another arrow and shoot, headshot. I smile and look at them but all they're interested in is the pig that had just been brought. How can they be like that? Just because I'm from a lower district doesn't mean they have thr right to ignore me. I look closer and see the apple in the pigs mouth. I grab an arrow and shoot it, hitting the wall causing one of them to fall into the punch bowl. They all look at me, shocked. I bow. "Thank you, for your consideration." I set the bow down and walk away. That. That right there is what I've got and they can go to hell if they wanted something better.


Sooo.....was this okay? I know, the other chapters were longer but the next few will be better.

Nikki :)

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