Chapter 5 Ups and Downs of Training

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Katniss POV

Peeta and I are on our way to the training centre. I am abit nervous but I can do this. The elevator door opens and we step inside to see all the others waiting for us. We walk over to them as a woman walks in.

"Today you will begin with your training. At the end of these days you will in private show your skills to the gamemakers." she says. "While you train you shall not hurt other tributes, offend others, destory any of the equipment. Now you may begin." and she leaves. I look at Peeta who shrugs.

"What should I do?" I ask.

"Well, archery or maybe traps. Your good at stuff like that." he says. I nod and turn but he grabs my wrist.  "Just be careful." 

"I will, you too." I say. He nods and I walk over to the trap section. I set a few simple snares but a loud bang catched my interest. I turn and see Peeta on the ground in pain. I walk over to him and kneel down. "You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, damn that hurt." he says. I look up and see large metal balls. 

"Throw that metal thing over there." I say. 

"What?" he looks at them than back to me. "No, Haymitch said that....."

"I don't care what Haymitch said. Those guys are looking at you like you're they're dinner. Throw it." I say standing back up. He pulls himself to his feet and walks over to the rack with the heavy balls. He picks one up and walks over to a clearing before throwing it a good 12 feet across the room. The Careers nod and walk away. Peeta smiles and turns to me. I smile back and return to the trap area. Soon I get board so I go to the camouflage area and see him doing something to his arm.

"Hey, why you doing?" I ask. He looks up and smiles.

"Remember, I told you about when I did the cakes at the bakery?" he asks. I nod. He lifts his hand and lays it against a tree and I almost don't see it.

"Wow, thats amazing." I say making him smile.

"Thanks, I think you got a shadow." he looks past me. I turn and see the little girl from District 11. She turns the seconds she sees me. "Why are you so scary Katniss?" 

"Haha. Your so funny!" I say. Than a bell rings telling us its break. Peeta washes his hand and we head to a bench. We sit down and Peeta holds my hand tightly.

"I'm still worried." he says quietly. I look at him and frown. "What if I lose you?"

"Peeta Mellark, you won't. I promised you." I say. He nods as two Careers walk up.

"Hey lovebirds." the tall one says. "Katniss Everdeen, right?"

"Why do you care?" I hiss making them laugh. 

"Just because." he says. "Just watch your back there." they walk away.

"Screw them." he says. I nod and we get back to training. This is not the best day but its been better than the rest.


Yeah, sorry. I'm having some problems right now but I'll keep updating.

Nikki :)

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