Chapter 7 Live Love

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Katniss POV

Tonight is Caesar Flickerman's show where all the tributes are interviewed. I don't want to do this but I have too. Peeta and I are sitting in our room, waiting to be called.

"So, who's the best kisser you've ever met?" he asks making me smile.

"I've never kissed anybody beside you." I say. He nods and sits up. "You?"

"One of my old friends." he says. I shoot up and punch his shoulder. "What was that for?!"

"Your an ass." I say making him smile. He wraps his arm around my shoulder. 

"I'm kidding, your the best kisser ever." he says giving me a long kiss. Than the horn goes off. I sigh ad we stand up. "Hey, it'll be fine."

"I know, your right." I say. We walk outside to the train, taking us to the studio and than Peeta is taken away. I'm brought to Cinna who hands me a fiery red dress. I pull it on and stand in front of him. "Its beautiful."

"It is, spin." he says. I give him a confused look but spin as flames appire out of nowhere. "Amazing. The girl on fire. Now get out there and be better than the rest." I nod and head out to see Peeta in a black and red suit.

"Wow." he says with wide eyes. "Your amazing."

"Thanks. How far are they?" I ask.

"Umm....District 5." he says. I nod and we sit down. Peeta holds my hand as we wait, and wait. Than a man come to me.

"Katniss Everdeen? Your up." he says. I stand up and he takes me to the stage. I sit down but the pressure, the cheering, the lights, the sounds. I can't relax and my heart starts to race.

"Umm....Katniss?" I look and hear laughing while Caesar's talking to me. 

"What?" I ask making the crowd laugh even more.

"I asked you about the tribute parade." he says.

"Well, I was just hoping not to burn to death." I say making the crowd laugh again.

"Well, those flames ere very amazing." he says.

"I'm wearing them right now, would you like to see them?" I ask. The crowd oh's and ah's as Caesar nods. I stand up and start to spin, slowing the flames. Everybody freaks out as I stop.

"Wow, amazing." he says. "Now Katniss, one more question. What did you say to you sister when you volunteered at the reaping?"

"I told her that I'd tried to win for her. That I'd come home for her." I say. He nods as a little bell goes off. 

"Well, looks like our time is up. Thank you Katniss, so much." he says as we stand up. I nod and leave the stage. Than Peeta walks by, smiling. I smile back and sit down. I watch as Peeta sits down and starts everything off with a few good joke. "Now Peeta, a serious question. Is there anybody...special in your life?"

"Yes, there is one very, very special girl." he says. "I wish that after this we could be together." 

"Well, win this and you can be." Caesar says.

"That won't help me at all." Peeta says. "Because she came her with me." than everybody gasps. 

"Well, thats very unfortunate." he says. "Well, times up. Thank you Peeta." Peeta nods and leaves the stage. He walks to me and into my arms.

"I love you Peeta." I say. He pulls back and kisses my lightly. 

"I love you too." I say. Well, now the whole world knows that Peeta Mellark loves me. Now we have a live love.


Good? Bad? You choose.

Nikki :)

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