Chapter 12 Finding You

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Katniss POV

I start my search for Peeta, starting at the river. I walk slowly, my eyes are glued to the ground. Than I see a few drops of blood. I kneel down and give them a closer look. I can't really just say it belongs to Peeta cause theres no way to know for sure but its my best lead. I follow it, finding a few more. After a good 20 minutes I find alot of blood. 

"Peeta?" I say looking around. "Peeta, where are you?"

"Over here." I hear him say but its weak. "Kitty."

"Peeta! Where the hell are you?" I ask.

"Hey! Don't step on me!" I look down and see his smile and eyes. I kneel down and lightly touch his mud covered cheek. "Good, huh?"

"Yeah, very. Come on. Lets go." I say.

"Katniss, I'm really hurt. I can't walk." he says lightly shaking his leg. I look and see all kinds of blood. "Cato cut it."

"Come on. Lets get you up and cleaned." I say. He sits up and takes a breath. "Come on, lets try and get up. 'll take you to the river." he nods and we take about 10 minutes to get there. I set him down and wash the mud off his face.

"Thanks for finding me." he says. I roll my eyes and pull his jacket off. "Really Katniss."

"Its okay, I need my Peeta." I say making him smile. "I'll wash your clothes for you."

"Okay, just be careful with my leg please." he says. I nod and pull his shirt off, reveling his perfect upper body. He is abit thinner but still good looking. "Katniss!" I jump as see him smiling.

"What?" I ask. 

"Your staring." he says. I smile and wash his shirt and jacket. Than I pull his boots and socks off, washing them and laying them in the sun.

"Okay, time for you pants." I say. He leans over so his lips brush against my ear.

"You never seemed to have problems with those." he whispers very quietly. I smile and unbutton and zip them, slowly pulling them down and over his legs. I wash them and lay them with his ither clothes. "What about my underpants?"

"What about them?" I ask.

"Well, they're all dirty and wet from the mud." he says. I know he one one hand is right but on the other wants me to take his underpants off. 

"Okay, might as well but you'll have to lay there naked for a while." I say making him shrug. "Alright, hold on and stay still." I inch them down his thighs and over his wound. I wash them and lay them in the sun as well.

"I'm sorry about teaming up with a Careers." he says.

"Why did you?" I ask.

"I wanted to keep you safe." he says. "I knew they would go for you first."

"Okay, its fine. As soon as your clothes are dry we'll look for shelter." I say. He nods and takes my hand.

"I'm really sorry Kitty." he says smiling. 

"Don't call me that here." I say.  He nods and kisses my hand. "I'll clean your wound." I scoot over to the bloody, pus soaked wound. I take some water and clean all blood and pus off, than wrapping a bandage around it. "There, should be good for now. And your clothes should be dry." I stand up and walk over to them. They are, the sun is really coming down. I help him get dressed and to his feet. Trying to walk with him is way harder than I thought. He can't put any weight on his leg at all so I almost have to carry him. After a good 40 minutes we come upon a small cave.

"Is this safe enough? I can't walk at all anymore." he says. I nod and we make out way in and I set him down against the wall.

"Okay, I got some food in my bag." I say.

"No, I'm not hungry." he says. I kneel down next to him and scowl.

"Whens the last time you ate?" I ask.

"A long time." he says. I shake my head and pull out some berries. "Katniss, please."

"Eat now! Or I'll kick your butt. You need food or else you'll get worse." I say. He nods and slowly I feed him the small berries. Well, I found him but I don't know how long he'll have in his condition.


Yeah, I know. I kinda sucked but I hope it wasn't so bad.

Nikki :)

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