Chapter 9 Nobody Can be Trusted in the Games

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Katniss POV

I look around frantically, I see Peeta, the other tributes and the cornucopia.

"39 38 37 36." the countdown keeps going down. I look and see a bow and a sheath of arrows. Than I look to Peeta who shakes his head.

"Why?" I mouth. He just shakes his head again.

"19 18 17 16." It keeps going. I look at my surroundings. Forest, like back home. I might have a chance if I run to the trees, find a good one to climb and sleep for the night. If I make it that long. "10 9 8 7 6." My heart beats even faster than before. "5 4 3 2 1." than a cannon goes off and all head for the cornucopia. I see Peeta run to the forest. I stand there, trying to figure out what to to. I need something to survive with. I take off after spotting a backpack. I grab it but but a girl throws a knife at me. It hits the backpack so I jump up and run for the forest. After a while I stop for a breath. Might as well, check whats in my bag. I sit down and open it, pulling out a rope, water bottle, and the knife the girl threw at me. But no water. Damn. I look around but nothing so now its time to get on my feet and look for some. 

"Okay, lets stay calm. We'll set up a small camp and some traps." I say to myself. "But I can't hunt here." I stand up and start to walk. After a while I find a good stop. I set some traps and even got a squirrel. Still no water but at least some food. I make a very small fire to cook it. After eating I climb a tree and tie the rope around me so I don't fall. Than loud starts to play. I look up and its showing all the tributes who are dead. After its done and lay back and close my eyes but the smell of a burning fire catches my attention. I look and see a really big one not far away. How could you be so stupid? I close my eyes again but a scream scares me. Than I hear voices.

"Did you see her face? Please don't kill me! Please!" I see the Careers laughing. Its Cato, Glimmer, Clove, Marvel and Peeta?

"Hey loverboy, you sure she went this way?" Cato asks. Peeta walks forward and nods.

"Yeah, you saw her snare. She went this way." he says. What? How could he do that? How could he betray me like this. I feel the tears stream down my cheeks but I have to be strong now. For Prim. So I fall asleep. I thought he loved me and I could trust him. Why would he do this? I guess nobody can't be trusted in the games.


Soo....okay? My computer is going nuts on pop ups right not so its kinda hard to update.

Nikki :)

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