Chapter 15 Being Taken Care Of

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 Katniss POV

I open my eyes and look around. I'm still in the cold cave but something is different. I have a bandage on my head and I'm under a blanket. I see a figure walking around and as I move abit it comes closer I see its Peeta.

"Hey Kitty." he says smiling and kneeling down next to me. I smile and reach out as he takes my hand. "You slept a long time."

"How long?" I ask weakly.

"Oh, two days." he says. I sigh and try to sit up but the extreme pain in my head stops me and I whimper. "Stay down, your weak."

"Peeta, I'm okay. I just want to sit." I say. He shakes his head and kisses my cheek.

"I said no." he says. 


"No!" he says firmly.

"Okay, fine." I say. He nods and smiles. "Sorry about the berry thing."

"I told you not to go." he says frowning.

"Peeta, since when do I ever listen to anybody." I ask making him smile. 

"Thats true. Its okay, I feel much better now." he says. I nod and look around. Its raining outside but Peeta's made a nice shelter for me if it rains in. "You need something to eat." he pulls out some berries.

"No, I'm not hungry." I say but he frowns. 

"Thats what I said too but you wouldn't leave me alone so now its your turn." he says. I groan and give in. He's right, well Peeta is almost always right so I let him feed me some berries before it gets too dark to really see anymore. 

"Peeta, lay with me. Its late." I say. He nods and crawls under the blanket with me, pulling me close and kissing the tip of my nose.

"I wish we weren't being watched from every corner of this cave." he whispers. I smile and kiss his lips lightly. "We could have fun, alot of fun."

"Peeta, we can win this, and go home." I say. He sighs and looks down. "What is it?"

"I don't think I'll be alot of help here." he says. I smile and stroke his cheek.

"We'll be fine. I promise." I say. He nods and wraps his arms around me. After the time in here, its nice to have Peeta with me. I know with him I'll be okay. "Did anything happen while I was out?"

"Thresh." he says. I nod and snuggle closer. I didn't know Tresh but he did save my life. Now its the final four.


Yay! There gonna head out soon! I know, the book isn't so long but I'm writing three parts! 

Nikki :)

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