Chapter 19 Home at Last

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Katniss POV

Peeta and I are on the train. Back to 12, back to Prim, back to my home. I have to say, after weeks in a death arena, fighting for my life I did miss my poor old District. Peeta is sitting with me, playing with my hair.

"I'm glad you didn't change through this." he says softly. I look up with a confused face.

"What? Why change?" I ask.

"Well, 4 years ago a girl named Annie Cresta won but went crazy from it." he says. I do remember her and that the land laughs at her for going nuts.

"It won't happen it me." I say. He nods and leans down for a kiss, a long kiss I've waited for. Than the trains stops and we look out. We see the dirty, broken down, smoking, gross 12. My home. We step out of the train and I see Prim and mom. Peeta takes my hand and we raise them. This is home and everything will be okay. But I have a feeling the Capitol won't give up so fast.


Okay, I'll go over the ending again so its longer. I hope everybody liked this story.

Thanks for all the reads and the votes. The next story is called Our Love isn't Your Game.

Nikki :)

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