Chapter 4 Chariot Ride

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Katniss POV

We leave the train and are brought to the training center but first they want to clean us up. I'm taken away from Peeta and to People I don't know so basically for me. People I'd rather kill than kids my age. I'm washed, waxed, hair gets thinned brushed and evened. Finger and toe nails cleaned and cut. Everything I don't want. When they're finished I'm sent to a small, empty room where I lay down and relax. Than the door opens and a dark skinned man walks in.

"That was one of the most bravest things I've ever seen. With your sister." he says. "I'm Cinna."

"Katniss." I say. He smiles and gives me a look. "So your here to make me look pretty?" I ask.

"No, I'm here to help you make an impression." he says. I nod. "What does your district almost always wear?"

"Coal Miner Outfits. We're coal miners." I say.

"Yeah, but I don't wanna do that." he says. "And why should such a beautiful girl, being walking around in some stupid costume?" he brushes a strain of hair behind my ear making me smile. I liked him. He was, compared to the other Capitol people normal. He wore a black sweater and had gold eyeliner. Thats it. After that he sends me off and I just explore my room.

The Next Day just before the Chariot Ride

I stand in the tight, black suit from Cinna. He made them pretty fast too abd I can't say they're comfortable but whatever. Cinna's standing in front of Peeta and I showing us what he says is fake fire.

"Its fake. It can't hurt you." he says. I look at Peeta who shrugs.

"It looks real." he says.

"Thats the idea. When your half way though push this little button and it'll ignite." he says. I nod and we get on the chariot. "Alright, try your best." Than we start to move, towards the opening and soon we're outside. I see the people cheering at us. Peeta takes my hand and nods. We lift our hands in the air and I smile. Then I push the little button and the suits start fire as it follows us through the air. We stop at the centre at the end of the trail. President Snow stands over head, looking down on us

"Welcome to the 74th year of the Hunger Games. Today we meet the tributes who wish to honor they're districts in a game, to fight to the death. I wish you good luck and my the odds be ever in your favor." he says before the chariot starts to move back. Afterwards we head back upstairs and too our room.

"I know already, I don't like him." I say pulling the tight, leather suit off. Peeta chuckles and sits, naked on the bed.

"Oh come on..he seems so nice." he says. I smile and sit on his lap. "Katniss. You know, I love you more than anything. Right?"

"Yes Peeta, and I love you." I say before giving him a long kiss. We get dressed and crawl into bed. I rest my head on his chest. Tomorrows the day we start training. The day I wish I could run away from.


Yay! Training starts tomorrow. I'll post the chapter today but later.

Nikki :)

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