Chapter 8 Let The Games Begin

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Katniss POV

So, today is the day. Haymitch is bringing me to the hovercraft that takes me to the arena. I can't feel my legs and my heart is beating so fast, I don't think its healthy anymore. As we ride the elevator up he starts to give me tips.

"At the Cornucopia there's gonna be everything, food, water, a bow. Don't go for it." he says.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Its a bloodbath, we're trying to pull you in to kill off as many at the beginning as possible." he says as the doors open. "Listen, your gonna make it. I promise." I nod and give him a hug before walking to the hovercraft I step in and take my seat. I see Peeta who gives me a nervous smile. Than a lady goes around with some kind of device. Than she stops at me.

"Whats that?" I ask as she takes my arm.

"You tracker." she says. I nod as the device shoots it into my arm. Than the flight begins. What only takes a few minutes feels like hours of shaking, sweating, and worrying. We land and are taken to different stations. I enter mine and see Cinna. I rush into his arms.

"Its okay, calm down." he says. He pulls away and takes a jacket hanging behind him. I pull it on as he sees my Mockingjay Pin. He nods and zips it up. "I'm not allowed to bet. But I would bet on you." he says. 

"20 seconds." the voice says calling me into the tube. I step inside and wait for the countdown. Cinna nods as it starte to move up. Slowly I enter the bright arena. I hear the countdown and see Peeta. I see all the weapons and the other tributes.

"Welcome to the 74th Hunger Games. May the odds be ever in you favor. Let the Games begin."


Just a short Katniss's way to the games. They'll start in the next chapter.

Nikki :)

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