Chapter 13 You won't Die For Me

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Katniss POV

 Peeta has been getting worse. I've tried everything, feeding him, water, nothing. I'm getting really worried. His breathing is getting weaker and he can't stay awake. Not close to death but I'm still scared.

"Katniss?" I turn and see him awake. "Come here." I stand up and walk over to him.

"You okay? Need something?" I ask. He shakes his head and takes my wrist, pulling me onto his chest and running his hands through my hair as I listen to his slow heartbeat.

"Attention tributes, each are you need something. Your lives depend on it. A feast will be held at the cornucopia." the speaker says.

"Peeta, you need the medication."

"I'm fine. I'll be okay." he says. I sit up and shake my head. 

"No, you need them." I say. He frowns and pulls me down for a short kiss. "Please."

"You won't die for me." he says firmly. I sigh and nod. "Okay?"

"Alright, I won't." I say. "But we're out of berries. I'm gonna get some but I'll be back soon, and I'll get some water." he nods and I leave the cave. I find a good amount of berries, peppermint leafs and some cold water. That I hear a strange noise. I look up and see a shoot. It falls to the ground so I open it and hold a small bottle. And a little note. Some help for Loverboy. Sleep Well. -H

"Haymitch, what the hell?" I say to myself. Than I get it. Sleep syrup. I smile and head back. I enter the cave and see Peeta.

"Hi, you find something?" he asks.

"Yeah, some very special berries." I say mashing up the berries and some peppermint leafs with the sleep syrup. Than I wake over to him. "Here." I say holding out a spoon.

"Whats this? It smells good and sweet." he says before taking a spoonful but than he frowns. "This is really sweet."

"Yeah, sugar berries. You've never had them? My mom used them to make jam." I say poking another spoonful into his mouth.

"No, its good. Really good." he takes another spoon. "Almost like syr......." his eyes grow so I hold my hand over his mouth so he can't spit it out. He fights but he's too weak. Than his eyes slowly close.

"I'm sorry Peeta. I love you." I say as he slips away. I give him a kiss than stand up. "But I can't let you die." than I leave the cave, heading to the cornucopia. 


I wanted to split her with Peeta and her getting the medicine for him. 

I hit 50 followers! Not alot but still, cool for me!

Nikki :)

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