Chapter 3 The Train Ride

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Katniss POV

So, after a good time with a drunk Haymitch, Peeta and I walk to our room. I nice big room with a two person bed and other bedroom things. We walk in and Peeta wraps his arm around my waist.

"Peeta, I don't think we should." I say. He kisses my neck making me moan softly.

"Come on, we can take a nice shower together." he says looking at the bathroom with a big shower in it. 

"Alright, why not." I say. I know that I won't be coming back so why not enjoy myself. We take our shower and climb into bed afterwards. I rest my head on his chest and listen to his steady heartbeat.

"Katniss, you think one of us will come back?" he asks. I sigh and sit up. "I mean, you could. Your a good hunter."

"Yeah, animals Peeta. Not really the same thing." I say. "I don't know. I hope one of us can make it." he nods and pulls me back down.

"Okay, lets sleep and we can take to Haymitch in the morning." he says. I nod and close my eyes. Maybe tomorrow will have better luck.

The Next Morning

I open my eyes and yawn. I don't feel Peeta so I sit up see that he's gone. I swing my legs out of bed and look to see fresh clothes on the dresser. I walk over to them and see. A green sweater and dark blue jeans. I pull them on and leave my room, walking down the long hallway that ends at a door. I look through and see Peeta talking to Haymitch. I walk in and sit down, Peeta smiles and kisses my hand.

"So you two...." Haymitch looks at us both. "Together or what?" he asks. We nod making him smile. "Thats good." 

"Why?" I ask. He chuckles and leans back, pulling a small bottle of liquor from his robe pocket and pouring it into his cup.

"Well, a love couple in the arena could get you some sponsors." he says. I look at Peeta who shrugs. "Things that can keep you alive."

"Okay, alright." I say. "What were you talking about before?"

"About how to find shelter." Peeta says.

"Yeah but shelter doesn't help you if your freezing or starving to death." he says.

"Well, how do you find shelter?" I ask.

"Could you pass the jel....."

"How do you find shelter?" I ask firmly cutting him off.

"Give me a chance to wake up sweetheart. This mentoring thing is very taxing." he says taking a sip of his liquor. "Could you pass the....." he reaches for the jelly but I stop him stabbing a knife into the table between his fingers.

"That is mahogany!" Effie says from the other side of the car.

"Look at that. You killed a place mat." he says pulling the knife out. Peeta takes my hand and rubs small circles. 

"Calm down, its okay." he says. I nod and look back at Haymitch.

"You wanna know how to survive? You get people to like you." he says. "People like you, you get sponsors, you stay alive abit longer. Its that easy."

"Katniss, look." Peeta says standing up. "Its huge." I look and see the Capitol. Than we arrive at the station where hundreds of people are cheering at us. Peeta smiles and looks at me. "Come here."

"He knows what he's doing." Haymitch says as Peeta starts to smile and wave. This is gonna be way harder than I thought.


So, good? I hope so. Abit shorter than the others.

Nikki :)

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