Chapter 16 Nightlock

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Katniss POV

I open my eyes and look around. I feel better and the sun is shining. I try to sit up but Peeta's arm holds me down. I yawn and tickle his nose. His hand flies up and he smacks himself in the face. I laugh as he jumps and looks around, resting his eyes on me and frowning.

"What was that for?" he asks. 

"I wanted to wake you up." I say sitting up and stretching. "We have to move, don't have much time left."

"And a simple 'Peeta wake up' wouldn't have been enough?" he asks standing up as well. I shake my head and pull my jacket on. "Alright, lets go." we pack our stuff and leave the cave.

"Alright, we should hunt. We can't only live on berries." I say turning around.

"Alright, I'll take the bow." he says holding his hand out. I look down and back to him to see him smiling. "I'm kidding. I'll see if I can find some more berries. You can never have enough." he turns and walks away. I smile and turn. After a few seconds I see a bird sitting in a tree. I pull an arrow and aim it but just as I want to shoot the canon goes off. I turn and run back to where Peeta and split up.

"Peeta?" I see his jacket on the ground with some berries piled on it. I run over to it and look to see what they really are. "Peeta!" I jump up and run, coming through a brush and crashing into him.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asks.

"I heard the canon!" I look down and see the berries in his hand. "Thats Nightlock Peeta!" I smack them out of his hand. "You'll be dead in a minute!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." he says.

"You scared me to death Peeta! Damn you." I say wrapping my arms tightly around his neck. He wraps his around my waist and pulls me close.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." he says. After a while I pull away and we start again. "Wait, whats that?" he points to something laying in the bush. We walk to it and see its foxface.

"She was following you." I say kneeling down. "And fell for the berries." I take them from her hand.

"What are you doing?" he asks as we stand up.

"Well, who knows. Cato might like berries too." I say making him smile. We start to walk again, on the way I get two birds while Peeta gets some more berries.

"Lets head to the pond by the cornicopia." he says. I nod and we walk to the clearing and the pond. We set a small camp and wait. Wait for Cato and the end of the games.


Okay, so the end is coming! There will be about three or four more chapters so don't freak out yet.

Nikki :)

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