Sasuke Loses Control

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Sakura backed up till her back touched the wall and Sasuke pressed against her.

Sasuke leaned in and licked Sakura's cheek slowly causing shivers to pulse throughout her body.

"What is your answer my Cherry Blossom?" Sakura started to whimper in fear and started to shiver like crazy. Not because of Sasuke's question but because due to his rage and anger he changed into his demon form.

He looked more demonic then he did in her dreams and when he transformed before. His eyes glowing like they could see through her very soul, his nails sharper then knifes, and his aura was over powering power and dominance.

It was pretty clear what Sasuke wanted and Sakura had a feeling if she did not give in willingly…he would take her by force…just like he said he would.

Sakura could feel tears slipping down her cheeks. The rage, the anger, and the revolt ion that she felt were replaced by dread and fear.

"Please don't do this Sasuke…please…please leave me alone…you…you already done enough damage to me." The tears feel down Sakura's cheek and she could have sworn she saw Sasuke soften for a mere moment then were demonic again.

"I am not longer giving you a choice Sakura…I…I spend 10 lonely years without you Sakura, I am not being alone any longer." Sasuke went back to normal

Sakura stared up at him "Why can't you choose someone from your own clan Sasuke…why me?"

Sasuke sighed "My Cherry Blossom I told you why before…I love you and I need you by my side."

Sasuke sighed again "All the woman of my clan are power hungry or sex deprived, I have no interest or desire to have someone like that."

Sasuke looked down at Sakura lovingly "But you my Cherry Blossom, you are someone I want at my side while I rule my clan."

"You are the light to my darkness my Cherry Blossom." "Wont you please show me the way out of this dark and miserable state I am in please…please let me love you my Cherry Blossom."

Sakura stared at Sasuke slightly moved by his words. "No, I will not yield or agree to this asshole…I will never be yours Sasuke!"

Sakura stared by at him cold as stone "No!"

Sasuke looked at her darkly "Don't you understand Sakura that I can force you to come with me!" "Since you are marked mine I can bend your body to my will."

Sakura glared at him "What the hell are you talking about?"

Sasuke grinned "My Cherry Blossom, it sounds just like it sounds I can bend your body to my will.""To put it simple my Cherry Blossom…I can turn your mind to mush in seconds, I can control your memories and future."

Sasuke stepped even closer to her "I can create your wants and needs." Sasuke whispered causing Sakura to shiver again and Sasuke grinned.

"But I don't want to do that Sakura, I want you to give into me willingly and take your place were you rightfully belong…"

Sasuke paused and his eyes glowed red and he said demonically "Like I said, By My Side!"

Sakura glared up at him and smiled a fake smile "I guess you're going to have to do that Sasuke, because it is the only way I will ever feel anything for you or for me to say I love you."

Sasuke smirked at Sakura "Not true Cherry Blossom, you told me you loved me before."

Sakura's eyes went wide "What the hell are you talking about? I never said I loved you!"

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