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Hinata felt her lip quiver in fear and Naruto urged her behind him "Sasuke I had those balls all along. As for why I did it…you have been acting like a egotistic psycho and I know you are not doing that on yon your own. Someone is influencing you."

Sasuke laughed aloud at Naruto assumption and theory of the situation at hand.

"Tell my Naruto, where the hell did you get the crazy idea that I am under some sort of influence?" Sasuke asked in an amused voice and Naruto stared at him dead on "Because, you're my best friend and besides Sakura and Kakashi there is no one else who knows you like I do. You are like a brother to me Sasuke. I know somewhere in there is the Sasuke who is my friend. The Sasuke who would not hurt someone whom he has been waiting for ten years to see again. I also know that the Sasuke I know would never change Sakura into a demon even if it is for protection! He would have given up the crown if it would cause Sakura to become a demonic demon and destroy her light and pureness away from her. I told Sakura the truth about everything Sasuke and she does love you, but not your demented demon side of you! She thinks you're a monster! And all I see in front of me right now is a stranger, a stranger whom I have not seen before in my life and this stranger is possessing my best friend!"

Sasuke just stood there, unmoved by Naruto speech of friendship and truth. "Aw Naruto, I think I have gone a little misty. Really Naruto, when the hell did you grow so soft? You're a fox demon who has turned pussy! Sakura is mine writher she like me as a monster or not she will remain with me. You however made my job more of a nuisance by letting her go back to the human world. A mistake that you will be punished for."

Naruto got into his stance "Sasuke I do not want to fight you Sasuke!"

Sasuke shrugged and transformed into his demonic form "If your blood must be spilled to keep you in line then so be it!"

Naruto glared at him and released his demonic fox like power. His demonic red eyes and claws where released. His outer charkra formed into that of a nine tailed fox and was about to attack him when he heard Hinata cry out in fear.

Naruto quickly turned around to find Hinata in Orochimaru's grasp

Naruto's eyes grew more demonic "Release Hinata now, you snake!" Orochimaru tsked "No need for insults Sasuke, they will get you nowhere."

"I will be more than happy to release the girl as soon as you tell Sasuke where Sakura is."

Naruto turned to face Sasuke just as Sasuke placed his glowing blue finger tips on his tummy "Nine tailed fox power seal jutsu!" Sasuke pressed on Naruto's tummy and Naruto fell to his knee's gagging.

"Wha…(cough) what (cough)…did y…(cough) you do? (cough)"

Sasuke grinned at Naruto's form "I sealed away your fox demon powers. It should only last for about three days or less, but that is long enough to change Sakura without you getting in the way. Now do you mind enlighten me as to where you sent her?"

"No tricks either Naruto, unless of course you want your mate here skinned." Orochimaru's long tongue licked the side of Hinata's face and Hinata whimpered and shivered "Na...Naruto!"

"Dam you Orochimaru! Leave her alone!"

"Tell us where Sakura is and he will!"

Sasuke kicked Naruto in the rib cage and Naruto fell to the ground flat and in pain.

"Naruto!" Hinata screamed in fear for Naruto "Are you ok?"

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