Found You

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A/N please play video it goes good with chapter and it's short

Sasuke grinned "My Cherry Blossom, I would think you would have learned by now but I guess now. But then again, that is what makes it fun. It seems you have forgotten that you are mine Sakura. I will not and do not plan on letting you go. You are mine Sakura, my cherry blossom for all time. And if I need to go as far as to have you watched 24/7 or have you hand cuffed to my side, then so be it. I am not going to playing these games with you anymore Sakura. It's time for me to break you and bend you to my will permanently this time, And if you become a broken doll like Naruto was talking about, then I can easy put you back together and brake you again. You're my Cherry Blossom Sakura. My Beautiful Doll Forever."

(Sasuke is still under the potion and is no longer in his demonic form)


Sasuke sensed Sakura in one of the rooms in the hotel; he just had to find out which one. There were no signs of any lights on in any of the rooms except the main entrance. "I guess I will have to find out which room she is in. Let's see if the owner is lenient enough to share that information willingly, or he will suffer the consequences by my hand."

Sasuke walked into the little Inn and was greeted by a heavy set man. "Welcome to Choji's sir, I am Choji the owner of this Inn. How may I help you?"

Sasuke smiled "I am here looking for my fiance." Sasuke said and Choji smiled "Your fiance, lucky man." Sasuke smirked "Thank you." he paused, "Perhaps you may have seen her…she has pink hair and emerald green eyes."

Choji smiled "Ah yes, since she was my one hundredth guest this week she won a free room."

Sasuke smiled "How delightful, could you please tell me what room she is in?"

He frowned, "She told me she was not expecting anyone to come… but she was dressed quite elegantly for someone who is not expecting anyone." Choji said openly

Sasuke felt like snipping the pig for making a comment on his Cherry Blossoms exterior, "That better be all, you swine!" he thought

"She is not, I am surprising her. Our first time was not that special so I want to correct that mistake before we make our bond to one another."

Choji bit the inside of his mouth "There are not any other guest here…are you sure I could not interest you in another room and you could surprise her tomorrow morning?"

"Perfect, no one else is here." Sasuke thought, "No, I would not like to be separated from her, besides I am not much of a morning person, the darkness is when I rule."

Choji felt a shiver go down his spine. There was something about this man that he did not trust nor like. He cleared his throat, "I am sorry sir, but unless I have her permission I cannot give you access to her key or room."

Sasuke could feel his patients slipping, "If it's a matter of money-"

Choji interrupted, "It's not a matter of money sir, it is a matter of privacy." "I cannot grant you access into her room without her permission. I will gladly call her room and ask her if I may grant you acc-"

"It is a surprise, remember? She does not know I am even here."

Choji folded his arms, he had a frown on his face but a stern look in his eyes "I am sorry sir but I can't give you her key, and since you have no interest in any other room, I must ask you to leave and if you do not comply then I will call the cops and have you removed from my hotel."

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