Little Bit Of Truth Part 2

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Sasuke eyes were glowing demonic blood red and he started to chuckle and said "Let the game begin, I have a feeling this will be fun."


"I must do's just not right that she is feeling this...she loves Sasuke...he just has to stop acting so evil. Kiba said aloud to himself and continued till he was outside the door. He was about to go in when he heard a conversation still going on from inside.

Sasuke,Orochimaru, and Naruto

Sasuke turned to Naruto and noticed he looked un-easy. "Is something wrong Naruto?" Sasuke asked and Naruto frowned "Well I am just wondering as to why this place is breaking of blood and sex? I just noticed it right now."

Sasuke couldn't help but grin "Nothing, that's just Lee's blood you smell on me and I took care of Sakura, that's all."

Sasuke turned back to Orochimaru "Now, how is this going to work?" Sasuke asked and Orochimaru smiled "I am glad you asked Sasuke." Orochimaru placed the same scroll he gave him before and placed it in front of him on the other side.

"We must take Sakura outside on the stone based moonlightrock at midnight when the blood red moon is out. There you must put these symbol's on the moonlightrock with Sakura in the center. Before midnight though you must drain her off her blood in till she is almost to the break of death from blood loss. Then she must drink your blood and your blood will mingle within her system."

(A/N No moonlightrock is not an error that is just how I am going to spell it.)

Orochimaru paused for a moment then continued "Afterwards stand back and when the blood red moon is on full form the transformation will begin...however.."

Orochimaru paused again and Sasuke glared at him "However?" "However...if everything is not done correctly then the aftermath could be fatal...not just to her...but you as well." "How is that?" Sasuke demanded

"Well...for one if she is wearing anything that might repel us or have any magic that will effect us you must remove it. If you drink her too soon she will die before she is even able to change. and if you miss this will not be able to change her."

"When is the blood red moon going to be here?" Naruto asked and Orochimaru looked his way and grinned glad you asked "It will be here tomorrow night. Which means Sasuke that in 3 hours you must go to the based moonlightrock and put the symbols written in your blood there so that they will dry before the blood red moon tomorrow."

"Within thoughs three hours though I suggest you go and inform Sakura of what will be happening and tell her a little bit about the clan...or your secrets about your family that you have withheld from her."

Sasuke turned his demonic red eyes on Orochimaru "What I do with my wife in thoughs three hours is not of your concern." Orochimaru grinned "To be technical she is your concubine not your wife since you are not married." Sasuke was about to strike him for his insolence when the door slammed open.

Sasuke,Orochimaru,Naruto,and Kiba

"Sasuke I must speak with you please!" Kiba shouted and the three males stared at him "Not now Kiba, I have other matters to take care of."

Naruto glared at Kiba "Didn't I give you an order to watch Hinata and Sakura!" Naruto yelled at him, now pissed "Yes...that is why I am has something to do with Sakura! I know why she is being cold to you Sasuke!"

Sasuke stood up from his chair and glared at Kiba "Then by all means Kiba, enlighten me as to why Sakura is cold towards me!"

Kiba flinched slightly at Sasuke tone of voice but held his ground.

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