Sakura's Heart Part 1

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Sakura had tears streaming down her cheeks still while she was talking "I got stolen and claimed by a demon, Hinata...The King of Vampire demons." Sakura said in a mono tone and Hinata just stared at her.

"Wh-what happened Sakura...what did Sasuke do to you?"

"We can talk about me after Hinata...what happened when you got here?" Sakura asked and Hinata sighed "Well...first let me tell you what happened on the date."

"You know the jewelry Ino let me barrow...well that helped me to find out that Naruto is a demon. He was not too happy about that...he knocked me out and I woke up sleeping on a bed...and...uh." Hinata blushed pink " love." Hinata turned red after that and Sakura just started at her.

"See let me get this straight...he took you, fucked you, and you seem la de da about it...why is that?"

Hinata smiled "Because...he changed...he cares about me...yes he did kill my father...but I...I cant hold it against him...cause...I love him Sakura...I really do."

"How could she just forgive him so easily"

"I...I see."

"Yeah and he got me a bunch of nice clothing and stuff and..." Hinata stopped short when she noticed the sickened look on Sakura's face.

"Sa...Sakura what's wrong?"

"I am so glad for were lucky...he didn't hurt you did he? He didn't force you into submission, he didn't kill more then one person close to you!"

Hinata was offended."Naruto killed my dad in case you forgot. No your right...Naruto never did hurt me. Just because i forgave Naruto does not mean that I am mad at him for what he did!"

Hinata was huffing for breath after the screaming she just did. Sakura stared at her un-phase. Hinata almost immediately felt sorry for what she just did.

"I...I am sorry Sakura...I just have to forgive him...if he didn't kill my father then most likely another member of Naruto's clan would have...and he would have made it much worse...he would have suffered when he died."

"Oh like he didn't suffer before! You are being unbelievable!"

"No I am trying to forgive someone I love! Why cant you do that! What did Sasuke do that was so bad to you!"

Sakura smiled sadly "I am glad you asked Hinata."

Sakura still felt tears streaming down her cheeks. "To put it bluntly he forced himself on me."

Hinata's eyes grew wide " mean he raped you?" Sakura closed her eyes tightly then opened them again. She started to shiver "I don't think it is rape when you are willing near the end."

Hinata's face went blank "Then...I...I don't really understand Sakura."

Sakura eyes fell to the floor and she walked over to where one of seats were and sat down. "I am going to tell you something Hinata...I am hoping you will understand considering you are in the same exact predicament...being with a demon"

Hinata nodded her head and Sakura sighed "When I first saw Sasuke again I was so happy. Even though I don't remember that many memories from my childhood...I remember...that I loved him." Sakura admitted and Hinata's mouth turned into an O shape.

" do?" Sakura starred at her "Loved him Hinata...its past tense." Hinata sat next to her.

"Anyway when I saw him again...he changed so much...but I was happy to see him...I did not realize how he changed." Sakura started to cry even harder "It never occurred to me that he was willing to have thoughs close to me killed just so he could have me. He killed my folks, Ino, and he was the one who sent someone to kill Tsunade in cold blood!"

Hinata could feel herself starting to cry as well now. "He played me for a fool the whole time Hinata! That fucking asshole invaded my dreams and watched me for years without me knowing. He did it all just so he could have me for himself."

He waited till I was alone...Naruto already got to you...and he came to get me just like Tsunade said."

"Oh..oh my..g...od!"

"Yep." Sakura paused for a moment "After he told me what he supposably did for me. He pretty much expected me to fall into his arms and go with him willingly. I was furious with him. I told him no...he was not to happy about that. He forced himself on me and to make it more sick he made me hear Tsuande's and Ino's voice...they told me it was fine and they were not mad. He was sick and twisted enough to use my dead friends as a way to turn my point of view on him!"

Hinata felt a lump forming in her throat.

"He cooled down and got off of me but knocked me out and brought me here...when we got here he laid down some rules and this so called vow on me. He expected me to follow them and his every whim like a living doll. Although he was nice to me at times...and for mere moments I felt like I was with the Sasuke I fell in love with when I was child."

"But...but I was wrong and a fool to even think that Sasuke existed! That Sasuke was just a fake mirror image of the real demon that was hidden within. I was foolish and stupid to think anything good could come out of anything! He killed a man named Lee in cold blood right in front of me because he thought he was getting friendly with me. But he was not doing anything...the boy seemed to be under the influence of something. I tried to explain to Sasuke but he would not listen. After he killed him..."

Hinata embraced Sakura's shaking form and Sakura sobbed on Hinata's shoulder.

"After he killed him...he fucked me in his cold blood! I yelled I screamed...but he did not stop! When I tried to fight him off he...he did something to me...something that made me turn willingly...after he was finished he told me that...I would go begging to him now...because whatever he did to me...will make me want him."

"He...he then said something about me giving him heirs..." Sakura was crying even harder "Hinata...if Sasuke was not as evil as he is right now I would bare him as many kids as he wanted...I would be with him willingly...I would not fight him...I would gladly stay by his side...but...but...the things he does...the evil acts he committed...I just can not stay with him when he is like this."

Hinata had tears strolling down her cheeks for her friend. "I...I am so sorry Sakura."

"Thanks Hinata...but you know what the sad part is...I love him...but as long as he is evil and commits these evil deeds...I can never tell him that. Even if he says I love over and over I can not tell him how I feel."

"I know Sakura...I am sorry...I am so sorry."

Little did they both know someone was listening at the door hearing the whole conversation.


"Poor girl...perhaps I will be able to help...Sasuke see your point of view."

and Kiba walked away from the door towards to where Sasuke was.

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