Consequences For Your Actions

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We arrived back in my world I took Sakura back to our room and placed her on the bed, when I heard a knock on the door "Enter!"

Sasuke and Orochimaru

"Ah Sasuke, I see you have returned.

" I don't have time for you now, retrieve the ceremonial kimono for Sakura.

"I will go and retrieve the ceremonial kimono for Sakura as you have wished Sasuke."

Sasuke smirked "Good."

" have informed her of what is to come...have you? I do know you need to reclaim her again in this world since she was able to escape from it."

Sasuke glared at Orochimaru "I grow tired of your constant advice and hint orders that you give me Orochimaru." Sasuke warned and Orochimaru swallowed "Of course, forgive me...I will be on my way." "I will be following shortly." Sasuke said and Orochimaru turned to him and put a hand on his shoulder cause Sasuke's shoulder to go hot, "Do not show her any mercy Sasuke, she escaped and questioned both your authority and wishes, break her."

Orochimaru turned on his heel with a pleased smirk on his face "Just a little more, bend her Sasuke, break her, hurt her, force her, scare her, everything you do to her, every little bit of pain you inflict on her, will be your own down fall. Dolls are so easy to manipulate."(Orochimaru is saying this to himself and not aloud)

I stared down at her " You bought this upon yourself.... if only you listened.
I then stood on my feet and left the room.

Sakura and Sasuke and Orochimaru

Sakura moaned and opened her eyes, and it did not take her long to realize that she was back in Sasuke's bedroom. She whimpered allowed and clenched her fists and slammed one of her fists on the bed, "No!" She quickly looked around the room and got to her feet and. "Dam it!" Sakura turned as the door opened and in stepped Orochimaru.

"Ah, so you are the famous Sakura I have been hearing about, it is an honor to meet lady." and he bowed.

Sakura glared at him and did not trust this man. He looked like a dam snake! "And...who are you?" Sakura demanded and Orochimaru grinned, "My name is Orochimaru, I am Sasuke's adviser."

Sakura gave him an acid like smile, her features became dark with rage, "Oh, so you are one of the many demon's who kiss Sasuke's ass? How pathetic!"

Orochimaru chuckled, "My, my...don't you have spunk. Now I can see why Sasuke is so obsessed with you."

Sakura said nothing, she just kept glaring at Orochimaru. "...I came here...because I have to give you this." Orochimaru revealed what appeared to be a ceremonial kimono. It was midnight black with slits at the side and had a low cut at the top of the dress with the shoulder length low. It was low enough for reveal the shoulders and the upper part of it was red. (A/N I hate giving a lay down on out fits!)

Sakura just stared at it, "And why am I to wear this for?" Orochimaru looked surprised, "I am sorry...has Sasuke not informed you yet as to what is to happen?"

"She is aware Orochimaru." a voice said and opened the door and Sasuke walked through the door and closed it behind him.

"She knows what is supposed to happen tomorrow night."

Orochimaru nodded his head, "Alright, I will leave you to it then."

Orochimaru paused and whispered to Sasuke "Do not forget to remove all magic charms and spells from her body or it will be repealed."

Sasuke nodded his head and Orochimaru left the room.

Sasuke turned his attention back to Sakura and saw the fear and terror in her eyes and smirked, "Tell me Sakura because I am quite curious, do you fear for the events that are to come?"

Sakura glared at him but still had fear in her eyes. "I refuse to continue to look weak in front of him, if I show weakness...all my resistance...all my fighting would have been pointless!"

Sasuke smirked and shifted to appeared in front of her with a cocky smirk and a demonic hellish look in his eyes, "My Cherry Blossom, your sad futile attempts to fight against me have already been broken over and over again. But thats one of the many things I love about you Sakura..." he paused to grasp Sakura's cheek in his hand, "Your just too proud, too headstrong, too stupid to just give into it and yield to my will and truley become mine. I would have thought by now you would finnally give into me by now...but I suppose..."

Sasuke paused again and pushed Sakura so that she was lieing on her back and started up back at Sasuke and noticed his eyes that were a demonic red mostly, were demon shadow black. Starring into them was like starring into the depths of dark hell.

He climbed on top of her and bonded both of her hands above her head and whispered slowly and hotly into her ear "I suppose I will have to remind you once again that you are mine Sakura!"


A/N before I go any further I will be going back to edit and fix the other chapters so if you get a lot of notifications I apologize in advance

This video has nothing to do with the story but it was so nicely done I had to share it 😢 or just certain parts could be used in the story

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