Truth, That Sasuke Left Out

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BEWARE AND WARNING!: This chapter is un beta read at your own risk!

In this chapter Naruto clears some things up that Sasuke did not say to Sakura due to being under a spell.

Naruto and Hinata

Naruto sighed again "It's it is nothing Hinata I just want to say I am sorry now because what I am about to tell you you will not like and "

Naruto paused and bit his lower lip "And I will be unable to stop it."

Hinata looked at Naruto with concern in her eyes "I am not going to hate you Naruto please tell me what is going on."

Naruto bit his lower lip "Sasuke will not forgive me for this."

"We...we must get back before the change."

Hinata had a confused look on her face. "What change Naruto?"

Naruto frowned again "Sakura is going to be changed into a demon and we all have to be present for it."

Hinata felt her heart stop and her eyes go wide "Wha! What are you talking about!"

"Sasuke has to change Sakura into a demon...or she cannot be with him. I do not need to do that because I am not royal blood"

"So Sasuke is changing Sakura so that she can be with him? That is crazy!"

Naruto bit his lip and said "It's not that crazy when you are doing it for someone you love and care about."

Hinata's eyes softened "Th...that is true...but still...does Sasuke really love Sakura that much?"

Naruto noddded his head "Kiba overheard the whole chat that you and Sakura were having and reported it to Sasuke."

Hinata made an O face with her mouth "Then he must know that she does not like him when he acts so evil towards thoughs few she cares about."

"I forgave you because if you did not kill my dad then others would have and they would have dragged on his death. But Sakura...Sakura is going to have more of a hard time."

"When Sasuke killed everyone off bit by killed her. I am surprised the girl did not break mentel like."

Naruto frowned "I know Sasuke hurt her and everything...but you must remember Hinata that Sasuke and I are demons. It's not like we all had good up bring in the sunlight."

Hinata frowned "I know...I am sorry for that...but why does Sasuke have to change her? I do not understand."

Naruto sighed "Because Lord Orochimaru found a scroll that has to do with the Royal Uchiha Clan. If they were to marry a mortal then they must change them into demons."

"But...but why! Why can't they be human and still be by their side!" Hinata was getting emotional and the feeling of guilt and paint was going and pulseing within her soul and being."

Naruto embraced Hinata again "Because it is too far great a risk. A human cannot withstand great pain without bleeding to death or going into shock.
Sasuke cannot always be there for Sakura...he is changing her to protect her...if he was not there and she was not a demon...another demon could easy take her or worse, kill her."

"It would be out of Sasuke hands if that happened...also...a Royal Demon of the Uchiha Blood mated with a demon is considered a great weakness and flaw that is only solved by death and war.
Sasuke is trying to avoid getting into any wars. After many years he was able to gain back his people's trust of leadership...he does not want to break it again."

Hinata thought for a moment "Is there any way to avoid getting Sakura changed into a demon...or to change back from a demon." (PAY ATTENCHIN TO THIS PART!)

Naruto nodded his head "Yes there is...there is a scroll that can change a demon that was a human back to a human...but no one has seen that scroll since Sasuke brother Itachi was in power."

Hinata frowned at this and Naruto went on "And the only way Sakura could not be changed into a demon is by Sasuke announceing that he has given up his throne...and he will not do that...because it will cause in turn, wars and bloodshed to happen."

Hinata nodded her head "Then...since Sasuke is doing this to spare Sakura from being hurt...I must support this."

Naruto nodded his head and felt a pulse of pressure going though his head "Naruto!"

"What's up Sasuke?"

"Dont what's up me! I need you and Hinata back here now! You need to watch Sakura."

Naruto frowned "Where is Kakashi?"

Sasuke sighed "Dying his white hair black again!"

Naruto raised his brows "His hair was black?"


"Ay yi sir!" and the connection was cut off.

"Hinata we must go back now."

Naruto picked up Hinata again and they walked threw the portal together.

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