Chapter 11

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Ella's POV

I was trying to do my math but Missy kept distracting me by laying on her back. Every time I would try to touch her stomach she would start to scratch me. Like what the fuck? You want to show me your stomach but you won't let me touch it? After the hundredth time I gave up.

"Okay okay. I give up. C'mon" I said talking to her. Pfft, what? No I'm not lonely! *rolls eyes*

I open my door and start to go to the kitchen. Something hit the back of my head.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I yelled as I turned around. One of Ricky's friends was,looking at me wide eyed while I wash staring at him.

"Uh...erm...ya-uh-s-sorry" he stuttered. I mumbled whatever and I heard him yell so I looked back and saw Missy trying to hurt him.

"Missy DOWN" I yelled. At this point I was just ready to kill someone. She stopped and started to walk over to me. I kneeled down and she jumped on me while purring. I walked into the kitchen and filled up her food and water bowl. I started to make my way up the stairs. I didn't look where I was going so I crashed into someone. I landed with a thud.

"Oh fuck. I'm so sorry" he said. I knew it was Ricky because of his voice.

"It's fine don't worry about it..."I mumbled.

"On and have you seen Emma?" I asked. He told me she went on a date with someone.

I went into my room and continued to do math. Oh god it's probably all wrong. Eh.

Emma's POV

We were going to my house and we got their in a few minutes.

"I had a great time" he said while smiling

"Uh yeah. Me too" I said. He's not really my type and we don't have much in common so I really don't think we'd ever date. He's cute and all but nah. I looked at him and he was leaning in. Oh fuck I thought. I just hugged him and quickly got out of his car. I walked inside and ran to my room. That was probably a mistake but I didn't care. I saw JoJo curled up in a ball while peacefully sleeping. I locked my door and laid next to him on my bed and fell asleep. I woke up to hear someone banging on my door while trying to open it.

"Who is it?" I asked. No response. What the hell? I waited until I heard footsteps walk away so I got up and quietly opened the door and saw a man wearing all black and a mask. I gasped. They turned around but I quickly closed and locked the door. Oh. My. Fuck. No no no no no NO. I grabbed my phone and called Ella. She answered after three rings.

El = Ella

Em = Emma

El- hello?

Em-Ella... Where are you??

El-I went with Ricky and his friends to eat. Why? Oh my god what's wrong?!

Em-I think someone broke into the house

El-fuck. Don't make a sound I'll be there right away! Don't hang up!

Em-please hurry. He knows I'm in here, he tried to get in and he saw me.


Em-okay I need to hang up

El-okay but please just be careful

I hung up and called them. I told them everything and then she told me that they're coming. Oh god this is horrible. I hope this isn't a fucking joke. I heard police sirens and then someone busting the door open.

Ella's POV

"RICKY WE NEED TO GO BACK NOW!" I said as Emma hung up.

"Why?" He asked

"Don't fucking ask. Let's just go and hurry" I said. He just nodded and we all left. When we got in the car I had to sit on Devin's lap because there wasn't enough room and he said I could. It was weird really. Anyways. Ricky started to drive as fast as he could without getting pulled over. When we got there, there were cops and an ambulance. A fucking ambulance. We got out of the car and someone was going in the ambulance. It was Emma and she was bleeding. Oh fuck. I rushed over to her but she was unconscious. No no no nO NO NOO!

Hai der! So what do you thing happened to her? Who was the person? You'll have to wait until the next chapter! I of course have the next few chapters written so I know who it is. *evil laugh* ok ok i'll stop. Anyways I have a request for you guys! I need a new character! It could be you or a character you made up. I just need a name and a description of what he/her looks like and what they like. Good luck. BYEE



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