Chapter 1: Survival Test

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I sat in class listening to Sakura, Ino and the rest of the fan girls fawn over Sasuke. I hope Iruka-sensei gets here soon they are getting annoying. I looked over to see I was sitting by Kiba Inuzuka and Shikamaru Nara. These two were actually fun to talk to and hangout with.

" Okay settle down!" Iruka-sensei said walking into the room. " Today I will be putting you into teams of three with the exception of one group which will have four." I looked around dreading that I was gonna end up in a fan girls group.

" It'll be okay." Kiba whispered. I looked up at him and smiled.

" Team 7 will be Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and Ayame Akako." Great now I'm stuck with a fan girl, but not only that also the boy who is the whole reason she is a fan girl. No one knows that I'm the fourth hokages daughter so I can't go by my real last name Namikaze.

" Wait Iruka-sensei why do I have to be with this jerk?" Naruto shouted out. I rolled my eyes at him. 

" These teams are sorted out by scores Naruto and yours were the lowest and Sasuke's were the highest." People in the classroom giggled. He finished calling out the rest of the teams. We met up with our teams at a certain place.

" He's late!!!" Naruto said grumpily.

" Shut up and sit down Naruto." Sakura said. I continued to practice my hands signs and focusing my chakra. 

" It's been forever!! Everyone else has already met their sensei!!" He whined. He smirked and grabbed an eraser putting it above he door so when the door was opened it would fall and hit you on the head, " This is what he gets for being late."

" He's a Jonin I highly doubt he'll fall for it." Sasuke remarked.

" Yea Sasuke's right." Sakura said and I rolled my eyes because she only says that because she likes him. 

We stayed quiet after that and then finally a guy with spiked white hair walked in the eraser falling on his head.

" Yes it worked! Believe it!" Naruto laughed. The guy's face was half covered by a mask and his headband covered his left eye. I knew who it was right off the bat. Kakashi the copy cat ninja. 

*Time skip*

" Okay let's introduce ourselves." He said as if he were bored.

" What would we say?" Sakura asked looking confused. I mentally facepalmed myself.

" Say your name, likes, dislikes, hobbies, dreams for the future things like that." He said watching us.

" Then why don't you start? We don't even know you believe it!" Naruto exclaimed.

" My name is Kakashi Hatake, my likes and dislikes...I don't feel like telling you. My dreams for the future and my hobbies...let's just say that I have many."

" Like being the copy cat ninja." I mumbled. He looked at me for a moment. Naruto was next. I zoned out until I heard 

"-I'm gonna be Hokage someday! Believe it!" I looked over at him a little surprised. Sakura went next. Mainly her hobbies and likes are stalking Sasuke. It was Sasuke next he mainly just wants to restore his clan. 

" Okay your turn." Kakashi said looking over at me.

" My name is Ayame Akako. I like training and I dislike fan girls," I glanced at Sakura, " I prefer not to tell you my hobbies and I don't know what my dream is yet."

" Good you are all unique. Meet here tomorrow at five and don't eat or you'll puke." He did a couple of hand signs and then vanished. I rolled my eyes and instead of sticking around I copied him and I was no longer outside. I was now in my house. I decided to eat and then go to bed. 

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