Chapter 19: Orochimaru's hideout!

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I waited in the waiting room with Shikamaru and Temari. I listened to their conversation and then his conversation with his dad. After his dad's rant the door to Choji's room opened. I looked up at Grandma Tsunade. She let out a sigh and then smiled.

" He's gonna be just fine." She said and I perked up. I jumped out of my seat and hugged Tsunade.

" Thank you Grandma Tsunade." She hugged me back. She talked about a manual. Shizune started to run down the hall.

" Lady Tsunade! Neji Hyuga is safe. His condition has stabilized." Shizune said with a smile and it made my smile bigger. " And there's more. I've just heard that Kakashi Hatake and Naruto Uzumaki have returned and they've been examined. Naruto's injuries are serious, but not life threatening. He's going to be okay." I tackled Shikamaru into a hug.

" Thank you." I whispered in his ear.

" Shikamaru, your mission was a failure. However, everyone's alive. That's the most important thing." Tsunade said.

" Wasn't a part of their mission to rescue me?" I questioned and Tsunade nodded. " That means it was a success and a failure." I pointed out and she smiled. I seen tears roll down Shikamaru's face.

" Next time, the mission will go perfectly." Shikamaru said and I pulled him into another hug.

* Time skip * 

I went with Shikamaru to go see Naruto.

" Well well, so you're awake huh?" Shikamaru asked as we leaned against the door frame.

" Shikamaru! Ayame!" Naruto exclaimed and I gave him a big smile. Shikamaru explained everything to Naruto. I left and went to find Tsunade. As soon as I found her I stopped her.

" I want you to teach me medical Ninjutsu like you promised." I blurted out.

" We start tomorrow." She said and my eyes widened. I smiled and she walked away. I went back to Naruto's room with Tsunade following after me. They talked and Naruto apologized.

" I always stand behind what I say." Naruto said and I grinned long with Shikamaru and Tsunade.

" I'm with you there Naruto." I said sitting in his bed. 

I stayed with Naruto and soon Pervy Sage showed up.

" From now on, you two are my only students." He started to explain to us stuff about the Akatsuki.

" Okay, I will fit time in to train with you, but I'm also training with Tsunade on Medical Ninjutsu." I said. He grinned at me and then told us that Sasuke would be safe for three years.

" Fine then, if being smarter means what you say it does then I'll remain a fool the rest of my life because I'm going after him even if I have to go alone!" Naruto exclaimed.

" I'm going after Sasuke too!" I said right along Naruto. Jiraiya went on about how foolish it was but that it might work.

" We've got a lot of work to do when you get out of the hospital Naruto. Ayame, we start tomorrow after your training with Tsunade. See ya then." Jiraiya said and took off. 

* Time skip * 

I started my training with Tsunade. She had me healing fish without using chakra mode. It took a lot of concentration, but I healed it quickly. I trained with her from morning to almost three or four in the afternoon and then I trained with Pervy Sage. I woke up in the mornings, my legs and arms would be sore. For days I would get up at six in the morning to start training and I wouldn't go to sleep til around midnight. They tried giving me a day off, but I declined. Jiraiya didn't show up for this afternoon so I decided to take a break. I sensed Sakura leaving the village and I followed. I reached the path to leave the village and I seen Naruto and Sakura. I watched them. I seen Jiraiya jump out of the trees.

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