Chapter 3: Chunin Exams?

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Kakashi's P.O.V.

I looked at her limp body in my arms. Sakura walked up, " What happ-" She cut off and let out a small scream, but then she let it turn into a sob. Naruto headed in our direction and I knew what was going to happen.  Ugh I can't believe I did this to my niece!

" Where did-" He too cut himself off when he seen his comrade in my arms her body limp. He stared at the fist sized hole in her chest. Tears streamed down his face, " Who did this?" I felt tears run down my face.

" He couldn't stop it in time she jumped in front of me taking the blow." Haku spoke up. I seen tears glistening in his eyes as he looked down at his savior. Naruto looked at me realization dawning on him that I was the one to blame.

" Why?" Was all he said before he fell on his knees to look at her.

Ayame's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes and seen I was in some kind of room that had a huge cell in it.

" Take my power." I heard something inside the cell say.

" Who are you?" I asked a little nervous.

" I am the ten-tails. If you use my power you can be healed. If you die I will die so use my power so we won't die." The fox halfway growled. I then realized that it was a she. Dark blue and silver chakra poured out of the cell. I let some of it consume me. 

I opened my eyes to something wet pouring down my face. I moved my eyes to look up and seen Kakashi's eyes closed and he was crying.

" Why did the brat have to do something so wreckless." I heard Zabuza sob? 

" Why are you crying Zabuza? And I'm not a brat!" I asked a little surprised. I felt Kakashi jump, but then I was in a bone crushing hug. It was Kakashi hugging me. I was a little surprised, but hugged him back.

" How are you alive?" Haku asked.

" I don't know." I lied. They helped me up on my feet.

" Where's Sasuke?" Sakura asked looking around. Naruto rubbed the back of his neck.

" He's...." Naruto trailed off not wanting to finish that sentence. Sakura ran over to where Sasuke was. She started crying on him. I walked over there and started pulling the needles out of him. 

" Don't touch him." I ignored her and finished pulling them out. I gently pushed her out of the way focusing all of my chakra to my hands. I groaned in pain, but I kept going. His wounds started healing and his eyes fluttered open. I was about to finish when he grabbed my hands.

" Save the rest of your chakra." I nodded and helped him up putting his arm around me to support him ignoring the pain that was going through my body.

" I'm surprised you're not dead yet Zabuza." A voice boomed. We looked over to find Gato, " What are you waiting for boys? Kill them!" They charged at us, but before they could do anything an arrow came flying towards them landing in front of them. They looked at it for a second. I looked behind us and smiled when I seen Inari and all of the villagers.

" If you want to get this village you will have to get through all of us." One of the villagers yelled. Inari shot me a wink and I let out a small laugh winking back at him. The thugs looked at them for a minute and then turned and ran. Gato spoke up.

" Don't run! Kill them!" I took out a kunai and threw it at him hitting him in the arm. He let out a scream. I threw another one hitting his other arm.

" Do you wanna see where this one will end up?" Before I could throw it Zabuza threw one hitting him in the chest. The thugs turned and ran. The villagers cheered and celebrated.

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