Chapter 23: Returning the Favor! Naruto and Ayame's Departure!

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I sat by Shikamaru as Sakura handed him a list of ingredients so he could give them to his dad. Naruto showed up started jumping to conclusions and I rolled my eyes. Sakura told us about a status report in the sand village.

" Temari and her two brothers are going to be the instructors." Sakura said and my eyes widened.

" They're what?!" Naruto, Shikamaru, and I asked in unison.

" How did someone as mean and nasty as her get to be an instructor?" Shikamaru questioned.

" Really, so Gaara's there too huh?" Naruto questioned.

" Wait a minute, Gaara's an instructor? Cool!" I exclaimed fist pumping the air.

Later on, Tsunade called Shikamaru and me into her office.

" Gaara, why?" Shikamaru asked after Tsunade explained the note they got from the Sand Village.

" We're not sure yet. The four challenged Gaara and then took off. The hostage is a girl he'd taken on as a student. They grabbed the girl and took off from the Land of Rivers headed towards the Land of Fire. As of now, only Temari, Gaara, and Kankuro have been assigned to pursue them. I'm afraid that's all the information we have at this point." Tsunade explained.

" So based on that, we're supposed to set up an operation to track down these idiots that want Gaara?" Shikamaru asked shocked and I was too.

" Yes. It's important we maintain our relationship with the Sand Village." Tsunade said.

" They haven't given us anything to go on!" I argued.

" They had even less information when we asked for their assistance during the Sasuke incident." I let out a sigh knowing she was right.

" You can't compare this situation with that. It would be a different story if we knew where they were going. We could set up and ambush!" Shikamaru argued and I rolled my eyes.

" None of the Jonin or Chunin are available. They're investigating the Artisan Village. Shizune." Tsunade said. Wait, then why are Shikamaru and me the only two Chunin not on that mission? I questioned myself. Shizune handed Shikamaru a clipboard with all of the Genin on a list. " You two may select any of the Genin on that list. You need to gather them and be on the road within thirty minutes." We looked over the list.

" What about Sakura, I don't see her name anywhere on the list." Shikamaru pointed out.

" No, she's involved with her Medical Ninjutsu training now." Tsunade said.

" Why aren't I being kept off missions to do my training?" I questioned.

" For one, because you have easily passed a lot of the training and two, you're good for fighting." She answered. Tsunade started me on the 100 healing marks, but I have to store away chakra to be able to fully learn that one. Other than that, I've learned almost everything I need to know.

" We'll accept the mission." Shikamaru said. " However, I have on condition."

" What?" She questioned.

" Let me borrow Sakura for this one." 

" Why Sakura?" Tsunade questioned.


Lee, Kiba, Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, and me all stood at the gate ready to head out.

" Lets get going." Choji said.

" We're still waiting for one more." I said letting out a sigh.

" Oh no, don't tell me it's-" Ino cut herself off as she seen Naruto running towards us.

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