Chapter 13: Three Demons!

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I awoke in a hospital room and I looked around. The events from the day before flashed through my mind and I fist pumped the air. I won! Wait, I got drained of my chakra while doing it. I groaned.

" Look who's awake." I jumped at the sound of Kakashi's voice.

" Hey Kakashi," I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly, " How'd you know I was here?" 

" Naruto told me that you would probably be in the hospital because of some of the training you two did." Kakashi answered and I smiled at him sheepishly.

" Well, I need to get back to that training." I said about to stand up.

" Actually, the medical ninja said that you need to rest." Kakashi said reading his book.

" I feel perfectly fine." I said standing up. That was a lie. I actually feel slightly dizzy.

" I thought you might say that," He said and crossed the room. He poked my forehead and I fell back onto my bed, " What was that about feeling fine?" I glared at him.

" I need to get back to training." I whined crossing my arms staring up at the ceiling seeing as I was still laying down from being pushed back.

" First rest and then train." He said and then poofed out. I let out a sigh of frustration. Memories of Sasuke getting bit and all of my comrades getting hurt flashed through my head. I grabbed my clothes and changed. I jumped out the window and took off to where we trained yesterday. I ended up running into Shikamaru and falling on my butt. I looked up and seen Asuma and Choji were with him.

" Hey Asuma!" I exclaimed smiling up at him. Shikamaru reached a hand out to help me up and I gladly accepted. 

" Where are you in a rush to?" Asuma questioned.

" I have to train and become stronger. I can't let my teammates get hurt anymore." I said with a big grin on my face.

" I thought you were supposed to be in the hospital because of your training?" Shikamaru questioned and I looked at him sheepishly.

" Well, ya see, I uh ummm... I jumped out the window." I said rubbing the back of my head nervously. 

" Well, seeing as how you trained so hard, how bout you come eat BBQ with us." Asuma said and I thought it over.

" Yea, that'd be great." I answered smiling. I followed them to the restaurant and I got stuck sitting by Choji. He chowed down. I ate some food and then I heard Ino's voice.

" What are you guys doing?" Ino questioned.

" Ino?" Shikamaru asked a little surprised.

" Shikamaru shouldn't you be training for the final exam instead of sitting around pigging out?" Ino questioned.

" Yea you too Ayame." Sakura said.

" I have been training. I just ended up training too hard and ended up in the hospital." I said sheepishly.

" I have been training. Every day all day. Asuma has got me working like a dog." Shikamaru said, bored. Asuma laughed.

" And it's not only Shikamaru. Choji has joined us for training as well." Asuma said with a grin on his face.

" What?" Ino asked sort of shocked, " So you're going for it after all, huh?" Choji nodded with a big smile on his face grabbing another piece of meat.

" Yea, and in return I get all of the barbecue I can eat." Choji said with his mouth full and I sweat dropped.

" Well that would explain it." Ino said as Shikamaru put his hands behind his head.

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