Chapter 15: The Battle with Gaara!

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" Hey, Sakura. Earth to Sakura." Naruto whispered.

" What do you want?!" She asked annoyed and I rolled my eyes.

" This guy over here, who the heck is he?" Naruto asked.

" His outward appearance may be different." Pakkun started and I finished.

" But he's the one we all know as Gaara." I finished. Naruto's eyes widened in horror.

" What do you want?" Gaara growled out in annoyance. We averted our eyes to try and look behind us as Sasuke groaned in pain, " So it's you two. You're the two who didn't kill that day." Naruto trembled for a minute when Gaara's eyes widened in anger.

" Guys get up! We have to go now!" Naruto yelled turning his back. Gaara jumped at an incredible speed. He passed Naruto and went for Sasuke. Before I realized what happened Sakura got in front of Sasuke. Before he could do anything, I was in front of Sakura. He knocked me to the side and then hit Sakura pinning her to the tree with sand.

" Move it!" He yelled. Sakura groaned in pain then passed out. 

" Sakura!" I screamed. Naruto grabbed Sasuke and jumped to a different tree. Naruto started to tremble not knowing what to do. I can't do much cause he has a hold of Sakura. Gaara was holding his head as if he was having a battle within himself. I jumped to beside Naruto standing in front of Sasuke protectively. Naruto stared terrified. Could I have been like that if people would have known and treated me bad? Would I have turned horrible or would have I been like Naruto? Gaara looked up with the same blood lusting yet lonely eyes. 

" What's the matter? Weren't you about to make a run for it?" Gaara viciously asked.

" Sasuke..." We heard Sakura mumble, " Naruto, Ayame." We glared at Gaara.

" Who are these two? Who are they to you?" He growled at us.

" Huh? Who are they to us? They're our friends is who they are! You try laying so much as another finger on the two of them and we will pulverize you!" Naruto and I yelled. Gaara got mad and put more pressure onto Sakura causing her to scream in pain. We went wide-eyed.

" What's the matter? Aren't you gonna pulverize me?" He mockingly growled, " Well come on then.

" You got it!" I yelled at the same time Naruto said, " You're on!" I jumped over to Sakura and touched her shoulder giving her some of Katsumi's chakra. It coated itself around her. Hopefully this will keep her alive, I thought to myself. Naruto was thrown back by the sand tail. I jumped next to Naruto in a battle ready stance.

" Gotta save my friends. It's all up to us." Naruto said and I nodded in agreement. Gaara let out and evil laugh. 

" That's exactly why you can't win. As long as you fight for the sake of others, you'll never advance beyond this level," Gaara said and I narrowed my eyes at him, " Only one can remain undefeated, and only he will feel what it's like to truly exist. Forget your friends and fight for yourself." I gritted my teeth.

" You're insane." Naruto said.

" That's the only reason I fight and that's to protect my friends." I said.

" Forget my friends?" Naruto questioned with his fist clenched.

" Trivial feelings like friendship and loyalty clouds your focus and you'll die." 

" Yea yea! Keep talking while you can! Cause we're about to shut you up once and for all!" Naruto exclaimed pointing at him and I nodded. Naruto grabbed a kunai and lunged. I lunge along with him, " I'm taking you down!" I was behind Gaara in a second and was about to punch him when his tail swung forward going to hit Naruto, but hit me throwing me into Naruto. I groaned, got off of Naruto and stood up. I turned around and seen Gaara having another inner battle.

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