Chapter 2: A Real Mission

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Ayame's P.O.V.

" Sakura, Point A." Sakura said through her head piece which the rest of us received in our head pieces.

" Sasuke. Point B."

" Naruto. Point C."

" Ayame. Point D." I whispered into the mouth part.

" Distance from target?" Kakashi's voice said.

" Five meters."

" I'm ready just give the signal." Naruto complained.

" Ready... Go!" Naruto jumped and all I seen was a blur. He quickly grabbed the cat. 

" Target acquired." I said into the mouth piece rolling my eyes as the cat started clawing at his face.

" Is there a red ribbon on the right ear?" Kakashi asked.

" ID confirmed." Sasuke said.


" Oh Tora mommy missed you." Yelled a fat lady as she grabbed the cat and squeezed it. I would have ran away too if I was stuck with a mad woman.

" Okay now you can walk dogs, pull weeds, babysit-" The third hokage was cut off by Naruto.

" I'm bored with these missions I wanna go on a real adventure. Believe it!"

" Yea I want a real mission too. I want an actual mission!" I spoke up. Kakashi rubbed the back of his neck.

" I'm gonna hear about this later." He halfway groaned.

" So be it since you are so determined I will give you a C-ranked mission." I was shocked. I can't believe he's actually going to give us a real mission, " You'll be bodyguards on a journey."

" Really?" Naruto asked turning around to face the hokage, " Yes! Who who is it a princess?"

" Don't be so impatient I'll bring him in now. Send in our visitor." The guy looked drunk with a bottle in his hand.

" What? A bunch of snot nosed kids?" He asked taking a drink out of the bottle. " And you the little one with the idiotic look on your face, do you really expect me to believe you're a ninja?"  I looked at the four of us and realized it was Sasuke, me, Sakura, then Naruto. 

" I'll demolish you." Naruto charged at the man, but Kakashi grabbed the collar of his shirt and held him back.

" Stop it we aren't supposed to kill the person we're supposed to protect." Kakashi-sensei said. The man took another drink out of the bottle.

" And who has natural Sapphire blue hair with lighter streaks, what are you a monster?" I glared at him and I tried to calm down, but it didn't work. I charged at him too. Kakashi attempted to stop me, but I slid under him and went to hit the man but Sasuke was in front of me in a second and he caught my hand.

" Knock it off." He said letting go of my hand. I went back and stood next to Kakashi and I crossed my arms.

" I am Tazuna a master bridge builder and I must return to my country. I'm building a bridge there that will change our world, and I expect you to get me there safely even if it means giving up your life." I rolled my eyes. As if we don't already know this. 

We met at the gate of the village. I only brought a bag filled with two bottles of water and a book on jutsus. 

" YEA!! All right!" Naruto shouted as soon as he stepped out of the village.

" What are you getting so happy about?" Sakura asked annoyed.

" This is the first I've ever left the village. I'm a traveler now. Believe it!"

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