Chapter 10: The End of the Second Exam

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I held my eyes closed tightly and waited for the hit. I never felt it and I looked up and realized there was a force field protecting all of us genin. There was dust in the air so they couldn't see us.

" Well what do you know, blew them all away." Zaku said.

" Not quite." Sasuke said beside him in a minute and hitting him. He slid against the ground and landed in front of his leader.

" Zaku!" The leader yelled. I felt myself getting dizzy, but I stood up anyways. Zaku started coughing.

" What the hell is that surrounding all of the Genin protecting them?" The leader looked at me suspiciously. They stared wide-eyed looking between Sasuke and me. Sasuke started doing hand signs causing Zaku and the leader to get even more scared.

" Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" Sasuke yelled putting a hand to his mouth and breathing out fireballs.  

" I don't think so. Try this!" Zaku yelled holding his hands up making air come out. The fire wore off and in the flames were shuriken. I felt a presence behind me and jumped away. I realized there was a fourth sound ninja. What the hell?

" Lord Orochimaru wanted me to make sure you was getting his message." A guy with black kind of spiky hair said looking me over.

" Stay away from me!" I spat pulling a kunai out, but stumbling a little bit.

" Is the girl weak from loss of chakra?" He mocked coming closer to me. I flinched back as he put his hand on my cheek. I tried backing away, but I was too dizzy.

" Don't touch me!" I hissed trying to jerk away from him.

" What are you gonna do about?" I growled at him. I tried hitting him with my kunai, but he easily grabbed my wrist making me drop the kunai. I heard a scream of agony and I looked back to see Sasuke had Zaku's arms in his hands breaking them. I closed my eyes tightly and images of all of my friends beaten flashed in my mind. The will to protect my friends coursed through me and I let chakra mode activate. I opened my eyes as the chakra radiated off of me. I barely hit the dude and he went flying through ten trees. I was in front of him in a second picking him up by his shirt. I ran over to the other sound ninja who were about to leave only one of them conscious. I dropped the guy in front of him.

" Make sure you don't leave behind your trash." I said walking over to Sasuke and my team. The leader was the only one left standing and he gave us the scroll and picked up his fallen teammates leaving. I sat down next to Sasuke and Sakura and watched them leave.

" Wait! Who is this Orochimaru anyway? What's he done to Sasuke and why Sasuke?" Sakura yelled.

" I can tell you about Orochimaru and what he's done to Sasuke and what he tried to do to me, but his intentions I have no idea." I said.

" I don't know," The leader said looking back, " all I know is that we were told to target Sasuke and apparently Ayame seeing as our teammate actually left our camp." Orochimaru's face flashed through my mind.

" Hey! You guys okay?" Shikamaru questioned, " Ino you go look after Lee since he's still out." I looked up and seen Neji staring at Sasuke and me. I looked down seeing Shikamaru run to us. I took myself out of chakra mode and sighed.

" Sakura's in danger. I'll protect her. Don't worry Sakura it's okay I'll save you!" Naruto muttered in his sleep and I sweat dropped. He had a goofy grin on his face.

" Who's Orochimaru?" Sakura questioned me. Sasuke trembled in fear holding his hand.

" Just what am I?" He questioned.

" I'll tell you after everyone is okay." I said sighing and standing up. 

" AHHHH!!!" Naruto screamed being woke up. A bump formed on his head where Shikamaru and Choji hit him with a stick. Ino helped Lee to his feet, " Everybody hide! Quick, get down! That ninja where could she be hiding?" Naruto got on his stomach and looked around. I shook my head.

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